Chapter Eight

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"Yes!" I stand, throwing my hands in the air. Our team has just scored the second goal in the game, making the score 3-3. The stands are crowded and everyone surrounding me are just as excited.

I sit back down and tune my attention toward the game. Louis races across the field, it's hard to keep up with him sometimes with how fast he's moving. A player from the other team approaches one from ours and tries to steal the ball away, yet he passes it quickly to Louis, and he runs quickly down the field before shooting it clear into the goal.

"Yes Louis!" I scream while jumping up and down. I feel eyes on me as I celebrate, making me become self conscious and sit down. But hey, that's my friend!

The game ends a few minutes later, Birkbeck winning with the final shot from Louis. I follow the crowd onto the field in search of the brunette. I walk around in circles, brushing past the excited students.


I turn around at the sound of his voice. My eyes wander for a moment before landing on him. His eyes light up at the sight of me and I rush toward him. I engulf Louis in a hug but the second I feel sweat on my neck, I pull away with a grimace on my face.

"You my friend, need a shower." I joke as I grin at him. His dark hair is pulled back in a headband while he's clothed in a black and white uniform.

He throws his head back in laughter, "yes I think I do, I did just play my first university game!" He boasts and I shake my head with a smile, "And you did amazing. I'm honored to be your friend." His eyes flash with an emotion but it disappears before I can determine what it is. His fingers run through his hair as he lets out a cough.

"Do you want to get dinner or something? I told you I would show you London," Louis asks as we leave the field. The air is crisp and I shiver making him look over at me, "You cold?" Before I can reply he wraps an arm around me and pulls me into his side. It's a nice feeling, and warms me up a bit.

"I would love to! It's been days since you told me that, I'm surprised you still remember." I stick my tongue between my teeth, making him roll his blue eyes, "I never break my promises, Addie." His voice is low, making my stomach flip.

"How about you shower and I'll get ready then we can go?" I ask as we approach the locker rooms. Louis agrees, hugging me tight before we head our separate ways.

The walk back to the dorms is quick, yet very cold. It's almost October here in the United Kingdom and the weather at night is bloody freezing. I've been here for a little over two weeks and I'm picking up on the slang just fine; Charlotte's teaching me a lot as well. Classes are going smooth while I try to avoid Harry as best as I can. The only hard part is my history class with him, and to make matters worse his big head is directly in front of me so all I can barely see the board. Not that he would ever move, he's too obsessed with touching the blonde next to him. 

His text sent me into a spiral of confusion, as does everything else he does. If he wants me to stay away from him that's fine, that's the easy part. Yet, the kisses are harder to forget. The way he made me feel was... Dammit, he didn't make me feel anything. I shake my head, getting rid of my back and forth thoughts.

The door to the dorm is unlocked and when I walk in, I find Charlotte sitting on her bed cross legged, watching a movie on her laptop.

"Hey Addie!" She grins quickly before turning back to the screen. I shoot her a quick wave and walk toward the closet, in search of something to wear.

"Where are you going?" The blonde asks as I rummage through my shirts. I pick out a simple black sweater and a green dress before slipping the sweater on top of it, adding a bit of layering.

"Out with Louis, he told me he would take me exploring in London." I grin but stop when Charlotte's face falls." I could do that too. Why would you go out with him?" I shrug as I step into a pair of knee high socks, "He offered, so I took it." I tell her simply, making her roll her eyes. Louis Tomlinson is a tough topic for Charlotte. She doesn't like when I hang out or talk about him and when I do, she gets defensive saying that I was her friend first. It's immature, but I don't like getting into their fights.

I slip on a pair of black boots before checking my make up in the mirror. I spray a dash of perfume and add deodorant before heading toward the bathrooms to brush my teeth. That's the most annoying part of community bathrooms, every time I have to pee or brush my teeth, I have to walk halfway down the hall.

"Go away, Louis." Is heard as I approach my room, making me roll my eyes. When I walk in the brunette grins widely. He's dressed in black jeans, a white T-Shirt with a red Adidas jacket. I grab my phone and purse before stepping toward him and he shoots one more dirty look at Charlotte before leaving the room.

"She was jealous that you're showing me around." I tell him and he rolls his blue eyes, "Well that bitch can get over it," I gasp, hitting his arm which makes him dramatically pout at me.

His car is parked out front and I walk around to the passengers side before realizing I'm on the wrong side of the car. He opens the correct passenger door for me with a snicker before getting in as well. The heat is already cranked, which I thank him for. Soft music plays in the background and I hum along to the song making Louis look over at me and smile. 

"Where do you want to go?" He asks and I shrug as I pick at my fingernails, "I'm good with anything! I'm craving mac and cheese for some reason." The two of us fall into laughter before diving into conversation about why I decided to come to college on the other side of the world. 

"I've always loved London, even though I lived three hours away from here. Don't get me wrong, I love Donny, but the city has always been close to my heart; That's why I chose this school." He tells me and I nod, "Same here! Where I grew up, everyone knew each other and I didn't like that. From a young age I've wanted to come here. It's always been so magical," I laugh to myself at my cliche words, but it's true. Ask my mom, there's a picture of me at like three, wrapped in an English flag. Speaking of her, I should call...

I pick at the skin around my nails and I feel Louis take a turn, making me look up. A small smile forms on my face as London comes into view. Pubs and small shops line the streets, as do many people. Lights fill the car and I want to squeal; My dream is a reality!

"Let's try this pub I know their beer is incredible, and if they don't have mac and cheese we'll go somewhere else." He tells me and I nod. His hand reaches over and squeezes mine, making my stomach twist as it always does when he touches me. Louis weaves in and out of traffic before parallel parking. He gets out and opens my door quickly, sticking his hand out for me to grab and I grasp it lightly before stepping onto the streets of London.

"Ready?" Louis grins at me, his blue eyes shining. I smile back, nodding repeatedly, "Always."

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