Chapter Thirty Five

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My thoughts are blurry while my movements are numb. My lips taste of liquor and as much as I try and rid them of the foul liquid, the image of the kiss replays in my mind over and over.

How could I have been so incredibly stupid? Pauline got the best of me, like she has so many times. She wanted to get the last laugh to make her the center of attention again. I thought she had changed, but maybe I'm still the naive Adelina from high school.

"Addie you're forgetting something!" Logan calls, but the sound of his voice makes me run faster. I need to get out of here and go home to Harry. He needs to forgive me, he needs to hear the story.

I brush past the drunken teenagers who's names I can't remember and toward the cool November air. The door comes into view and I can almost taste the freedom.

"Adelina stop!"

Logan's elbow hits my rib and a groan falls from my mouth as my hands break my fall.

"Ow," I mumble as I look at the light trickle of blood on my palms.

A curse word falls from the boys lips. "I'm so sorry Addie, I didn't mean to push you but you forgot your phone." I turn to look at Logan with my heart beating out of my chest. "It's okay, erm, thanks." I stutter and stand up leaving him alone in the doorway.

The Tennessee air is crisp and I inhale deeply as I take it all in, trying to force the drunken feeling out of my body. I fish the keys from my purse and make my way down the side walk. My feet feel disconnected from the rest of my body as they turn in opposite directions, causing me to stumble into the light fixture at the end of the street.

Breathe Addie. I close my eyes and rest my forehead against the cool material. I need to get home and fix all of this; You're drunk Adelina, you can't drive. My conscious and brain argue back and forth deciding what the right thing do to is. I open my eyes and focus on my car, realizing my conscious has won, I hurry out of the crisp air and into the warmth.

I stick the keys in the ignition and turn; the grumbling of the engine making my hands shake. My eyes squint as I look both ways before turning onto the empty street.

The car lights shine in front of me, flashing on the jagged lines that seem as if they are dancing in the middle of the road. I take deep breaths as I focus on the pavement, careful not to get to close to the car on the other side of me.

I swipe my tongue over my lips, immediately tasting the alcohol from Logan's mouth. My eyes well with tears as I wipe my shirt across them, trying desperately to forget any part of tonight. Harry was right, I shouldn't have gone, much less without him. I thought I was going to have friends for once, something I had missed so desperately in high school. To think Logan had any interest in me was stupid. He was a part of Pauline's game just like everyone was and once again I lost. Not only my pride but the one person I love more than anyone in this world.

The navigation system breaks me out of my thoughts, telling me the destination is on the left. I sigh in relief, knowing I had made it home safely. Just as I turn down my street, a car speeds past me. Their high beams flash right in my eyes, causing me to turn sharply into the grass and crashing into the fence that surrounds my next door neighbors yard.

"Oh my God." I squeal, scrambling out of the car to check the damage. The silver paint is removed and the wooden fence has fallen in front of me, clearly showing the dent in the front bumper.

"No, no, no." I mumble, running my hands through my hair and down my face. This cannot be happening. It seemed as if that car was coming straight toward me... wasn't it?

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