Chapter Twenty Two

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"Do I look alright?" I ask Harry, who stands behind me, tapping on his phone. I am dressed in a white dress that is tight on my torso and expands at my waist. It's hardly something I would ever wear, but he insisted I wear something nice. Harry looks up and stares at my refection in the mirror, causing his eyes to widen as they skim my body.

"You look incredible." I flush red as his bottom lip becomes hidden by his teeth. Harry pulls me toward him and grabs me by my waist. I can feel my heart rate increase as he presses light kisses to my neck, and I immediately close my eyes. His lips trail across my neck and collar bone before traveling up my jawline then my lips. As soon as our lips meet, I wrap my fingers in his hair and pull. A low groan leaves his mouth and he grabs my backside, making me as close as possible.

Harry pushes me against the wall of my dorm and I hiss at the cool temperature, yet it's quite the mixture compared to my rising body heat.

"I want to try something." He tells me, his voice deliciously low. I nod and whine at the sudden loss of contact, but it is quickly replaced as he leads me to my bed. I move toward the head and lay back against the pillows. A smug expression forms on his beautiful features before he peels the striped shirt over his head. My eyes expand as I take in his toned chest and tattoos; two swallows and a butterfly have never looked so good.

Our lips become attached again, bringing me back into his trance. His long fingers lift my dress to where it is bunched at my waist and I internally pat myself on the back for wearing an acceptable undergarment.

"Lace, cute." He laughs before pressing a kiss to the inside of my thigh. My breath catches in my throat as he looks up at me, his green eyes boring into my own hazel ones. He exhales deeply, the warm air tickling my center, causing me to tilt my head back in pleasure. This is the effect Harry has on me and he hasn't even started to touch me. His peppered kisses continue up my legs until they reach the bottom of my sex and I arch my back off the bed as soon as his tongue touches me.

"Harry." I moan, gazing down at him. The top of his head is visible as he works between my thighs, and I think it is the hottest thing I've ever seen. His tongue flicks against my canal, hitting even the tiniest of parts. A light gasp tumbles from my mouth as he sucks my clit, and I feel as if I may release at this very moment, the pleasure is so strong. I feel a small amount pressure, causing me to sit up slightly.

"It's just one." Harry informs me, and I suddenly realize he's talking about his finger. They continue to pump in and out of me as his tongue curls around my most sensitive spot and I let out a mix between a squeal and a moan as I clench my legs together, combusting from the pleasure.

My breathing is heavy as I sink into my bed and I slowly open my tightly shut eyes. Harry blinks at me a few times with a small smile on his face.

"That was..." I breathe, making him nod and laugh light heartedly. His lips purse together before moving to slip his shirt on, causing his muscles to contract. I sit up and fix my now wrinkled dress, pulling it down as much as I can and I check my appearance once more in the mirror, only to see a healthy looking glow.

"Anything for my baby." Harry grins, wrapping his arms around my waist as he leads us to the hallway, letting go as soon as he sees two girls chatting. I want to grab his hand; I want to show him off to the world and show everyone that he is mine, but I can't until we are alone. I was never one for PDA before Harry, now I can't seem to get enough of him.

We reach his Range Rover and slip inside and I shiver dramatically, "It's cold, turn up the heat." I command Harry, causing his green eyes to roll, "You're the one that's in a tiny-ass dress." I pout my lips playfully and he grips my thigh tightly, "You look beautiful, Addie." I stick my tongue out him in a very childish fashion, making him do the same. Playful Harry is the side of him that I love the most. He can be his complete self, as can I.

"There's going to be a lot of paparazzi around, so stick with me. It's going to be a bit crazy." The brunette explains and I nod, taking in his words.

"I'm nervous." I tell him truthfully, causing him to look at me from the side. "Why, babe?" I bring my nail to my mouth and shrug, "These are your friends, I want them to like me." Harry sighs and smiles reassuringly, "They're going to like you, Adelina, It's hard not to. Just be yourself and you'll be fine." His hand grips my thigh again and I take a few deep breaths while nodding. I'm going to be fine, everything is going to be fine.

"This club has some of the best drinks I've ever had, and I can get them for free." Harry smirks while I roll my eyes. The last thing I want to do is drink, let alone take his drunken self home. We turn down a street overlooking the water. The tiny road is packed with cars, people and flashing cameras. People must know the rest of the band is here, so they're waiting for the last member. Harry isn't even out of the car and girls are running down the street, chasing us. I hear a sigh fall from his mouth, making me turn, "What is it?" He runs a hand through his dark hair and shrugs as he pulls the car onto the curb.

"I feel like I never get a free moment. Someone is always watching me and marking my every move. I just want time to myself, to hang out with my girlfriend and my friends." I smile meekly at him, while my mind reels in the fact that he just called me his girlfriend. Just earlier today he was unsure he wanted to continue with this. Even though it was hard for me to hear him talk about someone else, I really liked that I got to understand him better and why he has such a hard time opening up to people. It's in his lifestyle, someone is bound to hurt him and I hate that.

"Are you ready?" His eyes glisten as he smiles and I grin, unsure, but ready. The second we close the doors behind us, cameras click and fans surround him.

"Hello." Harry smiles politely while pushing past the chaos. Girls yell and scream as we walk across the street and down the path, making me cringe. Men and women in all black point their large equipment in his face and I grab his hand tight in mine when I start to fall behind. He looks back at me, making sure I'm still okay, and even through all the chaos I feel him squeeze my hand to reassure me that everything is going to be alright. 

"Girls, I don't want you getting hurt. Stay on the walkways so you stay safe." The kind boy tells the panting fans, making them yell again. Harry gives them one final wave before opening the black doors of the club. As soon as they close, the two of us release the breath we had been holding.

"You are so wonderful." I grin, leaning into kiss his cheek. I pull away and turn toward the multicolored lights. The floor is full of people, dancing in the same style as the formal. A bar outlines the back wall with tons of different alcohol choices. A set of stairs lead to the second floor and Harry guides me up them. I pull my dress down the best I can with one hand as I scan my surroundings. Multiple private sections are scattered around. Leather couches fill the space and I see a bartender handing a group of boys pink drinks.


I smile at him as they set their drinks down and rush toward us. The names of his friends have slipped my mind, even after Harry tried to teach me ways to put their face with a name. 

A blonde wraps Harry in a hug, causing him to let go of my hand. A boy that looks older than the rest of them, due to the dark facial hair on his face, slaps his shoulder and grins.

"It's good to see you mate." The last one smiles and engulfs him is a hug as well. As the two pull away his hazel eyes land on mine, making my heart rate increase.

"Adelina, is it?" I nod and give him the best smile I can manage. His eyes squint as he smiles at me, "I'm Liam, it's so good to meet you." His hand clasps mine and he squeezes it, making me feel more relaxed already.

"So you're the girl Harry hasn't stopped talking about." The blonde giggles as he moves in front of me. "I'm Niall." His toothy grin is wide and I am taken aback as he wraps me in a hug as well. Lastly, the dark headed boy introduces himself as Zayn, and I scan the three of them as I silently repeat their names in my head.

"It's no nice to meet y'all." I grin and Niall almost squeals, "say that again, your accent is sick." I laugh and follow them toward the leather couches, Harry's hand already in mine. He gives it a light squeeze, making me wink at him. This is going so much better than I could have ever imagined, and the night has just begun.

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