Chapter Four

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The Frat House is much different than I thought it was going to be. Students cover the lawn, a cup in each of their hands. The balcony overlooking the property is huge, and I'm afraid someone is going to fall or slide down one of the large white columns. To finish it off, the letters  DKE are on the center of the roof, proving it's power.

I give Charlotte a quick glance as we approach the open front door, and the smell of weed fills my senses making me fight back a cough.

"Welcome to Delta Kappa Epsilon, can I interest you ladies in a drink?" A tall, tanned boy says to us and I kindly tell him no while my blonde roommate gladly accepts making him look at her in awe. 

Charlotte keeps the cup and walks past the boy and I scurry to keep up with her, my legs not nearly as long as hers. "Live a little Addie, it's your first party and you're in college now!" She sounds like the typical college student, and I roll my eyes with a light laugh before heading toward the kitchen. I can hear her behind me, already socializing as I pour a small mix of Vodka and orange juice. Charlotte smiles at me as I take a small sip yet I almost spit it back in the cup at the foul taste.

The house is crowded; Girls and boys fill almost every available space in both the kitchen and the living room. I know the two of us must look awkward just standing by ourselves, and I want to cheer when my eyes land on Louis. Black jeans cover his legs while a black tank top with white writing cover his torso. I catch his attention and he tips his cup at me, signaling for me to come over.

"Louis is over there, if you want to come." I tell Charlotte, who turns her nose up at me, "I'll be over there in a bit to make sure he's not too drunk, a friend of mine just showed up." She tells me and I bid her goodbye with a laugh before joining Louis. He gives me a side hug, along with a warm grin. I smile back and look into his eyes; They are glazed over, proving he's already drunk.

"You came!" He slurs, and I laugh as I take a small sip of the drink. This time it was easier to swallow and the burn feels somewhat nice. Oh who am I kidding, I'm nauseous already. 

"Are you surprised?" I tease him and he giggles, "A little, you don't seem like the girl to be at a party like this. No offense or anything Addie." He rambles and I shake my head, "None taken. It's actually sort of fun." I admit making him grin again.

As I look at him I realize he's quite attractive. I like the way his light brown hair is a little messy, and the way his blue eyes crinkle when he laughs. He has a great personality too, seeming positive about everything.

"I understand I'm attractive Addie, but you don't have to stare at me." Louis teases, sticking his tongue between his teeth. Remind me to add that to the list of things I like a about Louis Tomlinson.

I playfully hit his arm and lean into him, making him put his arm around me. I look around the room, taking in everything that is going on around us. The music blares while a few people dance to the beat. I finish my drink as I stare at the scene, suddenly wanting an urge for another one.

"I'm going to get another drink, would you like one?" Louis asks, as if he read my mind. I nod repeatedly and hand him my cup making him laugh. I watch as he walks away until he dips into the kitchen. I pull out my phone to pass the time, not liking the feeling that I don't know anyone here. No Notifications. I roll my eyes, of course I don't have any.

I pull up the messages application and type a message to Charlotte, asking where she is. I haven't seen her in over ten minutes and I don't want to be stuck here all night if she leaves.

"Adelina." I nearly drop my phone at the sound of my name coming from a voice that I immediately recognize. I whip my head around and focus on Harry. He's standing, making him tower over me and I subconsciously lick my lips as I look at him up and down. His usual black jeans cover his long legs while a black V neck is tight on his torso. The article of clothing that catches me off guard is the red and black flannel shirt that hangs loosely off of him. A red cup is in his hands and I watch him take a sip, staining his lips a darker pink than normal.

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