Chapter Nine

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Basically a continuation of chapter eight... enjoy xx

The pub in fact has mac and cheese, and it's bloody amazing. Sometimes I just say that to feel like I'm part of the culture, but then again I feel like it sounds weird coming from my mouth.

"Oh my God." I practically moan as I take a bite of the steaming macaroni. Louis laughs, making his eyes crinkle at the sides; It's one of my favorite things about him, along with his smile.

"You're welcome," He smirks, making me roll my eyes as I take a sip of my drink.

The pub is packed. Yet, I bet it always is. It's a small restaurant consisting of booths and tables through out the floor with a bar along the back wall. A soccer-excuse me, football game is on the TV's and Louis cheers loudly when the team he's rooting for scores.

"Who is that again?" I ask, making him turn to me with a dumfounded expression on his face, "Only the best team to ever play," I raise my eyebrow at him, "The Donny Rovers!" He practically yells and I laugh, pressing a finger over his mouth. His tongue darts out to wet it, making me squeal.

His laughter is loud, spreading my grin even wider across my face. It's nice to just sit back and admire what Louis is like. He's witty, clever, and incredibly handsome. I just met him and I feel like I can tell him anything. We get along so well and I feel like we could for the rest of our lives.

"What are you thinking about?" Louis breaks me out of my thoughts and I shrug as he sips his beer, "You actually." His cheeks turn pink and a smile breaks across his face, "Really?" I laugh before taking another bite of the delicious mac and cheese. I hold up a finger as I chew, making him roll his eyes. "Yes, I was just thinking about how well we get along, I never had many friends back home so this is all new to me." I admit, making him cock his head to the side, "It really shocks me that you didn't, you're like incredible." His words cause the blood to rush to my face and I cast my eyes at the table as I think back to high school.

"Smile Addie, I mean it." I bite the insides of my cheeks before sticking my tongue out at him in a very childlike way, making him mimic my expression.

The two of us chat, laugh and finish our wonderful food in the next hour. I even fought Louis on paying the bill, but he insisted. The brunette sticks his arm out for me to hold as we leave the pub; which I need to get the name of because I will certainly be coming back.

My mouth morphs into an 'O' as we step onto the crowded street. Loud screaming erupts, followed by a mess of girls running towards us.

"Holy shit." I curse and curl deeper into Louis arm. His hand has moved down to clasp mine for protection and I squeeze it tightly.

"What is going on?" He asks just as I see the man behind the madness; Harry strides out of the bar a few doors down from us, smiling at the swarm of girls. I look at Louis warily then back toward them and my stomach sinks to my feet when I see a tall blonde walk out a few moments later.

"Is that Harry?" The brunette asks and I nod. Louis pulls us closer to the mob and I want to turn and run away. Screaming girls crowd he and the blonde, each one shoving their phone in his face. He tries to smile for everyone but he just looks tired... wait. The closer he gets the more I can see his blood shot eyes and unstable walking ability, proving to me that he is drunk. I'm surprised he doesn't have any security with him, but then again he is on break.

"Harry!" Louis calls, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What are you doing?" I snap, making him turn toward me with wide eyes, "I don't know, I just wanted to chat." Louis' innocence really pisses me off sometimes. The last thing he's going to want to do is have a chat.

"Louis... Addie?" Harry catches our attention and hurries over to us, completely backfiring my thoughts. His eyes linger on our intertwined fingers before turning his attention back to the brunette.

"Are you okay, mate?" Louis asks over the shouting fans and paparazzi. It's hard to focus on him when their cameras are blinding me.

Harry shakes his head and subtly nods toward the scene around us, making Louis laugh lightly, "Adelina and I were just heading out, did you two need a ride?" Bile rises in my throat and I look for an escape route. His blood shot eyes meet the blonde's who nods, before turning back to us, "Yes please. I think Mackenzie and I are both pretty plastered." So her names Mackenzie... huh.  She giggles obnoxiously, making me roll my eyes.

"Are you okay with that Adelina?" Harry slurs and I beam at him, "Of course, Harry." My smile drops immediately, along with another roll of my eyes. He glowers at me before grabbing Mackenzie's hand and following us toward Louis' car.

I return to the passenger seat, while Harry and his slut retreat to the back. The air is stuffy and I feel the need to roll down the windows. Harry mumbles drunkenly while Mackenzie giggles at literally everything he says. Is there an eject button anywhere?

"Where am I takin' you two?" Louis asks as we pull into the campus parking lot.

"Am I staying with you, Harry?" Normally I love English accents, but I can't stand this one. It sounds like she's talking straight out of her nose.

I watch from the side mirrors as he sets a hand on her thigh, "Not tonight. I'm exhausted." She pouts but nods anyway and he gives her a semi-convincing smile making her cheer up instantly. Louis parks outside of the girls dorm and when I get out I walk to the drivers side, surprising Louis. 

The brunette gets out immediately with a smile and I look up at him with a wide smile on my face. "Thanks for tonight, Louis. I had so much fun." 

Before he can reply I lean into him and press my lips against his. He doesn't react at first, a soft gasp coming out of his mouth but seconds later his mouth is moving fast against mine. My stomach twists at what I'm doing and I pull him closer to me.

"Erm." A cough makes me break the kiss and when I turn, Harry is smiling shyly at the two of us. Louis laughs softly before slipping back in the drivers seat and I wave the two off, meeting Harry's gaze once more. His eyes turn to slits as they land on me and if looks could kill, I'd certainly be dead.


I had a dream the other night that Harry hated me and I woke up crying 

Backfire | Harry Styles AU COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora