Chapter Three

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I glance back at Louis, who has a light blush on his cheeks, as do I, but not for the same reason. Harry's eyes travel up and down my body causing his smirk to grow along with the dimple on his cheek.

"A little wet out there?" The professor asks and the two of us laugh awkwardly.

Obviously noting our uncomfortable demeanor, a smile forms on his wrinkled features, "Just take a seat wherever you like."

My eyes scan the room, the only open seats being in the back of the room or in the second row, directly behind Harry. I sigh, thinking of the pros and cons before sitting in the center of the second row, Louis next to me. I widen my eyes at him, making him nod his head toward Harry. What is everyone's fascination with him? I roll my eyes, sticking my tongue out and he laughs lightly before turning to face the front of the room.

I tune out Professor York when he begins to talk about the history of England. The room is full of students. Yet, most of the girls in the class surround one boy in particular. The whole first row is full of them while Harry sits in the middle. I watch as he smiles at the blonde next to him, making her blush red. Her hair is long, reaching her ribs and it is straightened to perfection. Tight blue jeans cover her legs while a long sleeved crop top barely covers her chest. My eyes roll as I watch him touch her leg, a perfect smile forming on her face. By the looks of this, he's going to milk this attention to the max, each girl surrounding him is waiting for the moment he smiles at them. He knows he's famous and attractive. 

Class gets let out early and I follow Louis as we walk outside.

"How do you feel about the class?" The brunette asks and I shrug, "The class is fine, I just have no interest in it." Each freshman has to take a number of core classes before taking classes that go toward their major, so this semester I'm stuck with World History, English 101, Precalculus and Psychology 101. 

Louis agrees and shoves his hands in his pockets. The rain has stopped and the sun peeks from behind the clouds. I roll my eyes at the timing, couldn't the storm wait until we got to class?

"Kind of crazy that Harry is in our class, though." His blue eyes search my face, causing me to roll my own, "It's annoying. Did you see the girl sitting next to him? She was practically drooling." I huff and Louis laughs awkwardly as his eyes travel next to him. I turn my head to see Harry walking beside him with a light smirk on his face. Shit.

"Annoying, huh? I might have to step it up a notch then." His voice is just as low as it was last night. A black V neck covers his torso and if I'm not mistaken, two tattoos are drawn on the skin below his collarbones. Black jeans are tight on his legs, a wrap around his ankle just above the brown boots on his large feet.

My mouth falls slightly agape, unsure of what to say; Only this would happen to me. He was so sweet and engaging last night but as soon as the sun came up, it's like a completely different person.

"I'm Harry," His eyes focus on Louis and he smiles, shaking his hand as he introduces himself.

"You should join the Fraternity, Mate." Harry suggests, making me roll my eyes. Louis seems like the least possible candidate to be in one of those clubs. All they do is drink and party in their large houses. He'll definitely say no. 

"I was thinking about it," Louis contrasts my thoughts, "I just need to see what fits best with my football schedule."

The tall brunette nods, "You play football? That's sick! There's a party tonight to really kick off the semester. You should come," His green eyes search my face, "You too Addie." A smile creeping on his face as he looks at me. There he goes again with that sweet voice and addicting smile. I feel a blush on my cheeks and I force a smile before I drag Louis into the mess hall, Harry walking down the path toward the courtyard with a leather journal in his hand. 

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