Chapter Fourteen

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First things first, I want to say a HUGE thank you for almost 200 reads in a week! I honestly didn't think I would get 10 so this is incredible, thank you so so much. You all mean the world to me. Here is chapter fourteen, I hope you enjoy xx

I take a look in the mirror once more before grabbing my purse, along with my new phone. My long hair is down, yet pulled back away from my face. A maroon sweater covers my torso while dark jeans and boots complete the outfit.

Harry's name flashes on the screen, sending me a text that he's outside of the dorms. My pulse quickens at the thought of him and I subconsciously bring my finger nail to my mouth; it's a nasty habit, I know.

I take one last breath before opening the heavy door and facing the London weather. Harry's Range Rover is parked right outside the entrance and when I catch his attention, he rushes towards me.

"Hey," He smiles, showing his dimple. He is clothed in black jeans, a black T-shirt and a tan jacket.

"Hi." I squeak, tilting my head up to look at him. His eyes linger on mine for a split second longer than needed, before we head toward his car.

The heat is turned up and I internally thank him for that, I can't stand the cold. Which is funny that I chose to live in a city where it is almost always cold. The radio is low and I'm unsure of the song flooding through the speakers. Honestly, Harry seems like the kind of person that would play his own songs in his car.

"How was your day?" He asks, looking at me from the corner of his eye. I roll my eyes with a huff, "it could have been better." The sides of his mouth curl up at my statement. My eyes focus on the phone in my hand, making me speak, "thank you, by the way. You didn't have to do that."

"I didn't, but I wanted to." A blush rises and I stare at the black floorboard.

"Hey, don't get embarrassed, it's okay." How did he know?

I sigh, "I guess I don't like when people buy things for me, I've been doing things on my own for a while. My dad got laid off from his job when I was sixteen so I got one to help out with the bills my parents could barely afford to pay." The words tumble from my mouth without me noticing. I don't know why I'm telling him this anyway.

"That's really awesome of you, Addie. I'm sorry if I made you upset," Harry turns to me as he stops at the light. I shrug and wave my hand in front of my face. "Don't worry about it; I don't know how to set it up though. I'm scared I'm going to break it." I tell him, making him laugh lightly.

He turns his car down a tiny one way street and I close my eyes as he weaves throughout the cars. Honks echo through the small space and a light shriek falls from my lips. When I was young my family and I got into an accident where the driver was passing a car on the opposite side of the road and didn't get over fast enough and hit us head on. After that tight roads and getting to close to other cars scare me, because it makes me think of that day. 

"Addie, it's okay." Harry coaxes me back to reality. I hadn't realized how tight my hands were clenched on the arm rest, my knuckles are white.

The tall brunette opens my door for me and I thank him as I get out. This street isn't nearly as crowded as the one Louis and I were on the other night. I cringe at the thought of him, he thinks I'm still studying. 

Tiny family owned businesses line the sidewalk. We pass one shop in particular and the door is open, letting us examine the different desserts. Cakes and pastries fill the windowsill and a gasp falls from my lips at the detail on each one.

"Enjoying yourself?" Harry asks with a small smirk on his face. I smile meekly as I pull myself away and continue down the street.

"Here we are." He smiles and opens the door for me as I walk in. The restaurant alone is as big as my dorm room. A few tables cover the floor while a wooden check out counter fills the rest of the space.

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