Chapter Five

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(Alright let's pretend that this is Harry and Addie, I also love the movie that this picture is from)


I weave my way through many people, a few angry at how I pushed them, and one girl even spilled her drink on the ground. But right now I don't care. I look around the room for Louis or Charlotte, but it's hard to see with so many people packed into one house. I find a bathroom and knock on the door, opening it and entering it quickly. The floor is covered in paper towel and God knows what else. I run my hands over my face and sit on the edge of the bathtub. Oh my God why did I do that? I'm an idiot for being so foolish and letting him get under my skin. He said what I wanted to hear and the drunk part of me liked that. 

Loud banging interrupts my thoughts and I stand up, "Uh, just a second!" I yell, turning on the sink to act as if I'm washing my hands. 

"Adelina, it's me open the door please." 

I freeze at Harry's voice and I scurry around in the tiny bathroom. "No!" I scream out and I hear him groan. "Seriously you're being immature let me in." 

Knowing he's right I slowly open the door and let him in my tiny hideaway. With him in here the space is even tighter and I move as far away as I can from him. 

"I shouldn't have done that." I say slowly, not daring to look at him. He runs a hand through his hair and bends down, placing his hands on his knees, "then why did you?"

 I shake my head, not knowing quite what to say. My head is swimming with the alcohol running through my veins, along with the kiss. The feeling of his lips on mine was like nothing  I've ever felt before; We moved as one. His lips tasted like Beer while mine tasted of Vodka; The mix was indescribable.

"You know what, never mind. It was just a kiss, I don't care." Okay ouch.

My eyes blur with tears, his words having more of an effect on me than I thought. "You kissed me back." I point out. My voice is sharp and I try and sound as confident as possible in one of my weakest moments.

Harry is silent for a moment but he lets out a loud, dry laugh and grabs the door handle. "Congratulations, go tell everyone that! Harry fucking  Styles just kissed you, Adelina." He steps out of the bathroom and down the hall before I can say anything more.

I take a deep breath and try to process what just happened. What did he mean by congratulations? I push my eyebrows together as I try and think of a reasonable explanation for his behavior. The  door opens and I turn quickly, hoping it to be the tall boy, but I am met with a bubbly Charlotte.

"Addie! I've been looking for you everywhere," She slurs, holding onto my arm for support. I shoot her a smile, yet I know it doesn't reach my eyes, "What's up?"

Her lips pout, "What is up with you? You look like you've just seen a ghost." I laugh lightly, the way Harry ran off made him seem like a ghost.

"Nothing, I'm just really... tired." I lie and she swats my arm, "Let's go back out to the living room then! I have barely seen you." I nod and follow her into the kitchen, the party still raging around us. I notice a couple making out heavily on the couch and I scoff, turning away quickly.

"Addie!" Louis' voice causes me to turn. I am met with bright blue eyes and a lazy smile. He surprises me when he wraps his arms around my waist. I lean back, creating a gap between us.

"I missed you." He slurs and I laugh softly, "did you?" His long fingers play with my bottom lip as he nods, "very much so."

I roll my eyes and slip from his grip, "I missed you too." I grin and he does too as I pour yet another drink.

I swig my drink and sigh, who is this person and what have they done with Adelina Phillips? I look down at the cup in my hand and place it back on the counter. The drunken feeling I have is still very prominent but I don't want it to be. Yes, this has been a very... eventful night but I wouldn't repeat it. I don't see how these people get drunk for nights on end; It just doesn't appeal to me. But here I doing the exact same thing.

I pull out my phone and the time reads half past eleven. It feels so much later than that. A yawn escapes my lips, making Louis hit my arm and I wince; I had forgotten he was standing there for a second.

"You cannot be tired." He laughs and I grin, "This time change is something I have to get used to, Louis." He nods, throwing his hands up in surrender.

"I would drive you back to your dorm but I don't even think I could unlock my car." Louis tells me and I laugh along with him. His blue eyes shine under the light and a dimple forms on his cheek. God, he's adorable.

He sticks his hand out and I rest mine in his. The two of us brush past many people and I hear a few hollers as we walk up the stairs. The second floor of the Frat House is full of bedrooms. The hallway is long, consisting of three doorways on each side. A bathroom is seen at the end of the hall and I tell Louis I'll be right back. He points to a bedroom, "I'll be in here."

The bathroom is tiny, just like the one downstairs. The sink is too big for it's own good and I feel like a giant trapped in here. When I look at my reflection in the mirror I want to shriek. My dark hair is matted at the ends and is sticking up in the front. The black eyeliner is smeared under my eyes making me grab a handful of toilet paper and wipe it away. I smooth my hair as best as I can, and pull the short shirt down before leaving the tight space.

I look back and forth between the closed doors, unsure of which one Louis walked into. The hallways are filled with drunken people, and I smile meekly at them as I squeeze by.

I huff and open the door closest to where I believe Louis was standing. A small gasp falls from my lips as a blonde climbs onto a dark headed boys lap and lets out a moan.

"I'm sorry," I squeak, making the pair pull away quickly but my eyebrows raise and my jaw slacks as both Charlotte and Louis stare back at me.

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