Chapter Twenty Six

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I have never been so angry in my life. My gaze switches between my grinning mother and Harry, who's eyes are cast toward the ground, trying to look anywhere but me. Why would he accept my mothers offer? I get he was being nice but this is very soon to be communicating, especially after he was told he couldn't. 

"Let's go!" My mom claps her hands together before strolling out of the small coffee shop. My dad looks at me with wide eyes and I shake my head. He sets his hand on my shoulder and gives me a small smile, helping my mood slightly. I turn to look at Harry, who is tapping his fingers quickly against his phone while biting his lip. His eyes move toward me and I look away quickly, knowing if I stare at him any longer I will be thrown into a trance. This lunch could go two ways: 1. It could good well, and Harry and I will pretend we're the best of friends. 2. We will sit in awkward silence, while my mom talks the whole time and may even pull up baby photos. If that happens I will walk out.

"We can take my car, I know you don't have one Addie." Harry states and my mom gushes, "That is so sweet of you. Which one is yours?" She asks, scanning the row of older cars suited for young college students. The tall brunette coughs awkwardly and points to his black Range Rover. My mothers' hazel eyes widen and she stands up a little straighter as we walk toward it. Harry unlocks his car and the four of us climb in slowly. I claim my usual place in the front, and it takes everything in me not to break down. Memories flood my mind and I hold the handle on the door for support. Harry's hand is not on my thigh or holding my own, but is gripping the steering wheel hard, yet I desperately wish it were different. My mom rambles from the back seat as my father looks out the window, taking in the scenery. I watch Harry's pink lips move as he talks and how every once in a while he'll move to smile at me but will stop himself and run a hand through his hair. I remain silent and look out the window as a light drizzle has begun to fall. The rain has always saddened me, for the droplets resembled tears; The tears I am fighting to hold back, the tears I once shed over this beautiful boy.

"What did you all have in mind for lunch, Mrs. Phillips?" Harry asks politely and my mom perks up, "I'm okay with anything but I want to get a taste of England." She says making him smile slightly and I feel myself smiling too as I watch him. "My mum, my sister and I would always go to a small cafe a little ways down. There pastries are delicious." My parents nod at his suggestion and we continue to drive down the narrow roads as my mom points out each detail and how cute everything is.

Harry stops outside of a restaurant called Belagio. The door is bright red and a blue awning hangs above it. He turns to me and I immediately feel my heart rate increase, "I'll let you all out here and then I'll meet you inside." I nod, knowing why he is doing it; His career is the most important thing in his life and if he is seen with me and not Mackenzie it will hurt his publicity, and I don't want that for him. But, the teenage girl inside me is cheering at the fact that he is here with me and not her. I slowly get out of the car and rush towards the door and out of the rain with my parents following close behind me.

"Wow." My dad mumbles as soon as I open the door. Cakes, croissants and many different desserts are displayed on a long counter in front of us and loud chatter surrounds us as couples and families enjoy their lunches. The bell above the door rings causing me to turn around. My stomach twists at how incredible Harry looks; His hair is damp from the rain and his face looks as if it is glowing as the droplets run down his jaw.

"You have a little..." I mumble, moving to wipe the water away. I suck in a breath at my actions, as does he. His bright eyes meet mine and I look towards the tiled floor. God, I am an idiot. Why did I do that?

"We should have a seat." He states bluntly and turns toward the dining area. My mom chooses a booth in the back of the room and I am left to sit next to Harry as she and my dad file in on the opposite side. I move to the corner of the seat, distancing myself from him as much as possible and he gazes at me and pulls his eyebrows together as if he is confused on why I am acting this way.

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