Chapter Six

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"Addie," Louis says as he sits up making Charlotte move off of his lap and sit next him. I watch in awe as she fixes her shirt and Louis runs a hand through his hair. My jaw is still slacked, unsure of what to say.

"I thought you two hated each other," I tell them slowly, making the pair eye one another.

"We do!" They say at the same time, causing a grimace to form on each of their faces. A light laugh falls from my lips, clearly their affection for one another is heightened by the amount of alcohol running through their systems. I keep my mouth shut and nod while a small smile is evident on my face.

Charlotte leaves the room in a hurry, and right as she closes the door I raise my eyebrows at the shirtless brunette on the bed.

"I can explain." He tells me in a hurry and I move to sit on the edge of the bed when a yawn escapes my lips.

"I was waiting for you when out of nowhere she busted in here. When she saw it was me, she started screaming at me. The girl went absolutely mad, Addie. But, I have to admit it turned me on." I groan, making him laugh slightly. "I yelled at her to shut up and that's when she turned and said make me. Then you walked in." I push my hair behind me, letting it cascade down my back. Louis' blue eyes search my face and I let out a laugh at his uncertain expression.

"If you still like her, why aren't you two together?" I ask him as I move the comforter back. I have no idea who or what has been in this bed but I am too tired to think about that at the moment.

He sighs and moves beside me, "I don't like her. Charlotte is very needy," He starts, "But that doesn't mean I don't miss kissing her." A smirk forms on his face, causing me to roll my eyes, "Moving on." The two of us laugh as we stretch underneath the warm blankets. The drunken feeling is nearly gone and I pray I don't have a hangover when I wake up.

I reel in the foggy memories of the last few hours. From being drunk for the first time, to what happened with Harry. If these kind of things happen at all parties, I sure as hell don't want to go to any more.

I turn onto my side and I feel Louis' arm snake around my waist. I giggle softly into the pillow as he pulls me deeper into his side. He lets out a breath through his nose and sighs, "Goodnight Adelina."

* * *

A dip in the bed is what brings me out of my sleep. I open my eyes slowly to see Louis standing over the bed, pulling his shirt over his head. The muscles in his back contract, proving how toned he is.

"Well good morning to you too." I muse. My voice is raspy and indifferent sounding. The brunette turns around and smiles at me, "How'd you sleep?" I sit up for a moment before moving to stand and as soon as my feet hit the ground, a wave of pain hits my temples.

"Great." I smile as I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. I hear Louis' light laughter and I reopen my eyes with a small pout.

"Let's get you some pain medication and then we can head back to the dorms." He suggests and I nod as I slip on my shoes before following him out the door.

The hallways are filled with red solo cups, food and a few sleeping bodies. I widen my eyes as I hear someone vomiting in the bathroom down the hall. The living room and kitchen are in no better shape. The rooms are clear for the most part, but a few people still remain passed out with trash all around them. A snicker leaves Louis' mouth as we pass a sleeping boy. Drawings cover his whole face, and I let out a small gasp when I see the permanent marker at his feet.

Louis bids a few of the guys goodbye and tells them he'll see them tomorrow for the first day of recruitment week. Now that I look at him, he does seem like the type to be in a Fraternity. Just as I go to tell him that, my eyes land on a tall, curly headed boy. I watch as he closes the door of a car, belonging to the same blonde from World History. He presses a kiss to her cheek and whispers something, making her laugh. I feel my stomach church at the sight and I look away quickly. Did he tell her congratulations for kissing him too? Better yet, she probably slept with him. I bet she has fake boobs. I internally scold my conscious; One week into college and I'm already making false assumptions of people.

Harry turns around and I curse when he waves his hand at the two of us. Louis' smile grows as the neutral expression on my face stays the same.

"Hey lad! Are you excited for recruitment?" He asks as he approaches us. The two bump each other's fists, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm stoked. The football coach told me I could do both, so I'm all in. Just think how much free alcohol we're gonna get, and how much the girls are gonna love us." The brunette grins at the tall boy, making him mirror the gesture. I cross my arms, pushing up my visible chest. Back home, my mom never allowed me to wear low cut shirts because my breasts are larger than other girls my age. I feel a set of eyes on me and as I look up, Harry's green eyes dart away.

"You're so right. Well, I'll see you around. Bye Louis." Harry smiles before retreating to his Range Rover. Of course he has that fucking car.

"He literally finds any opportunity to approach you." Louis tells me as we get into his black car. The air is chilled and I rub my hands back forth as I wait for the inside of the car to warm.

When I keep my mouth shut he continues. His blue eyes search my face, "I saw him staring at you Addie, and I know you didn't say anything on purpose." I roll my eyes with a huff, "It was nothing! I don't care for him just as he could care less about me. I don't have to speak to him every time I see him." I snap making Louis nod and bring his bottom lip between my teeth.

"Dammit Lou, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I have a headache and Harry Styles doesn't make it any better." I smile apologetically at him and a laugh bubbles from his mouth, "Most girls wouldn't say that." I shake my head as I laugh along with him. My hiccup in conversation is replaced quickly by talk of his first football game, along with him begging me to come.

We reach campus about ten minutes later, and I unbuckle my seatbelt when Louis pulls into a parking spot just outside of the girls dorms. A heavy rain has started to fall, making it hard for me to see out the window.

"Can I sit in here until it settles down a bit?" I ask my friend and he nods as he pulls out his phone from his pocket. I do the same and immediately click on a few social media applications. My fingers graze through Twitter absentmindedly. I smile slightly as I watch a video of a dog in a hotdog costume. As I continue, I see a retweeted photo of the Frat House. A large group of people stand out front with their cups in the air, a drunken smile on each of their faces. I notice one person in particular, making me click on their account. Harry has millions of followers, yet his tweets are nonsense, consisting of him tweeting at fans and thanking them for their support. I click on a tweet, rolling my eyes at his cheeky tone. I scroll down to read what his fans say to him. Most of them are asking for a follow, but one picture is brought to my attention. I swallow hard as I enlarge it, and just like that the breath is knocked from my lungs. Harry's hands are tight around my waist while my arms are strung around his neck. Our bodies are pressed against each other tightly and there's no doubt it's him and I. I look up from my phone and toward the door of the dorms, only to see Harry running through the rain, and I know he saw exactly what I did.

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