Chapter Twenty Eight

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I remain frozen as Louis forces his lips onto mine. They taste of hard liquor and mint, mixing in the most gut wrenching way. The time I kissed him to make Harry jealous is so distant and I never thought it would lead to him having feelings for me.

"Louis, stop." I grumble, pulling away slightly. His blue eyes peer into mine; glassy and heartbroken. A sigh slips past his lips as he draws further away from me.

"I'm not sorry for the way I feel about you. Maybe one day you'll realize how you feel about me too." Louis fails at smiling, his sad eyes blocking his brightest feature. My mind is swimming with thoughts that I can't seem to comprehend. He is right in a way; he's always been there for me no matter what and I've brushed him to the side every time. Yet, this broken boy in front of me is the best friend I have and I don't want to lose him, as selfish as that sounds. I would be lost without his smile and his jokes or even his comments in class when he doesn't understand what's going on.

"Addie?" Louis tugs on my sleeve as if he is child, bringing me back to reality. I sigh heavily and move from the wall I was pressed against and towards the center of the room. "I'm sorry for not noticing the way you've felt for so long, it's so selfish of me, but I can't help the way I feel for Harry," The brunette cringes and I shake my head, "Sorry. Yet, it's not fair to me that you sprung this upon me so suddenly. I don't know what to think or how to act, Louis. I can be my complete self around you and you know that, but how am I supposed to now when you know I don't feel the same. I'm rambling now but God, I never want to lose you." Louis blinks a few times at me, a blank expression over taking his face before wrapping me in his arms. I bury my head in the crook of his neck and hold him tightly in my arms.

"Oh Adelina, I don't want to ever you lose you either, it's just hard being around you all the time knowing you don't feel the same way." My stomach churns and I pull out of the embrace, "No, Louis do not do this to me. That isn't fair, please." My voice cracks as my eyes well with tears.

My best friend smiles sadly at me and grabs his hands in mine. They're not as big as Harry's, and the more I look they are quite small, barely cupping mine fully. "I'm still going to be in your life. We do have a class together, that you never go to by the way." My lips curve into a small smile making him grin widely, "There's that smile I've been missing. I don't ever want you to lose that, okay?" He states and I nod, his face blurred through my tears. "Why are you crying, darling?" My shoulders shrug and Louis brings me in another hug. He rocks us back and forth slowly as my tears fall freely onto his black T-Shirt. I'm not quite sure why I am so emotional about this. Maybe it is the fact that he is my first real friend and now I'm losing him. Why must I be so selfish?

Louis places a small kiss in my hair and I smile slightly at the touch. This boy has the kindest heart and soul and I know that he will provide someone with the love that they both deserve.

"Thank you for everything, really. You have been the best friend to me through everything and I could not be more thankful for you." I finally look towards him and into his bright blue eyes, a smile forming on his face, "Addie don't make me cry, love. You've been such a great friend to me as well. I'm so glad you dropped that stupid map you made of the school so I could pick it up for you." I laugh lightly at the memory, "And then we got poured on." Our laughters mesh together creating a melodic sound, both ending in a sigh. I know Louis has a point and I believe him when he says he won't be out of my life forever.

"Adelina." Our joyous moment is halted by heavy pounding and a thick, low voice. My heart begins to race immediately and I turn towards Louis who nods curtly. I rush toward the door and swing it open to reveal Harry. My eyes widen at his disheveled look. His hair is messy as if he has ran his fingers through it multiple times. His usual bright eyes are bloodshot and dim, while his face is red as if he has been running.

"Harry, are you okay?" I ask frantically, even though I know he is not. His gaze focuses on Louis, then back to me, then back towards him again.

"What the hell did I just walk in to?" Harry asks, completely dogging my question. I walk toward him and reach for his hand which he accepts; the tingling feeling I always get when touching him strong as ever. "Talk to me, what is it?" I coax, making Louis cough from behind me. I turn, watching as he gathers himself. "I'm going to leave you two alone to chat, bye Addie." My heart aches at his last words, but I have to trust him and have faith that our friendship isn't over.

The door shuts behind him swiftly, making me turn back to Harry. His eyebrows are raised and an annoyed expression rests on his face as he stares down at me.

"Okay seriously what is going on?" I ask, my voice full of concern. With my hand still in his, he pulls us onto my small bed. His finger brushes against my thumb, causing my stomach to twist in the best way.

"Tell me what that was first." Harry commands and I raise my eyebrows, "What the hell is your problem?" I snap, my tone raising ever so slightly. The brunette across from me lifts his eyebrows and leans away, "Are you seriously asking me that when I just walked in on you with another guy, right after you left me?" Jealously is laced in his voice as he gazes at me, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Oh my God are you serious right now? It wasn't what it looked like." I half laugh while Harry rolls his eyes, "Classic excuse." He snorts, making me pull my hand from his and placing it in my lap. "Will you stop being a dick and let me explain what was going on?" I bite, watching as he nods slowly and leans back on the bed with his arms above his head.

"I came home to find Louis and Charlotte screaming at each other, only to find that he was pissed drunk, I mean seriously wasted. He was rambling on and on about how he felt about me and he, well..." I almost regret saying the last line as Harry leans forward, "He did what Adelina?" He asks slowly, his voice deep and raspy as he holds back his emotions.

I suck in a breath before speaking, "He, uh, kissed me." I squeeze my eyes closed, not wanting to see the expression on his face. I don't know what's running through his mind right now, but I won't be surprised if he walks out of the room.

"Adelina look at me." Harry mutters, barely audible. I slowly open my eyes, taking in his oddly calm demeanor. I can see his chest rising and falling while his nose flares as he breathes out.

"Did you kiss him back?" I immediately shake my head no, "Of course not Harry, do you know why? Because all I could think about was you, and I told him all about my feelings for you. It's always been you, didn't you know that?"

It hurts me that Harry thinks that even for a split second he would leave my mind. Kissing Louis back was not even on my list of things to do today because everything in between consisted of this infuriating boy in front of me.

"Really?" He asks, his voice much livelier than before and I notice his eyes have regained some of the bright green color I have grown to love.

I cock my head to the side and smile widely, his question amusing me, "Really." Harry leans forward off the bed and grabs my face in his hands, pressing his lips against mine. This kiss isn't like Louis', but it is slow and meaningful, holding feelings that I can't explain. He leans back against the pillows causing me to fall on top of him and I let out an 'oomph' noise. Harry turns and laughs loudly, creating the most beautiful noise I've ever heard. I pull back and grin widely at the beautiful boy below me. Sometimes it hurts me how good looking he is. How I got lucky enough to be in this position is beside me.

"Stop staring, baby." He jokes and I roll my eyes, sticking my tongue out at him, "Impossible." Harry hums in response and grabs my hands as I straddle his waist. His mouth forms a lazy smirk, while eyeing me up and down, "As much as I love getting you like this, I want to take you somewhere." I smile widely, the expression lighting up my entire face, "Where?" I ask, standing to my feet with Harry following behind me.

"It's a surprise, now come on." He grins, making me groan. His large hand taps my butt and I squeal, his beautiful laughter echoing throughout my room as we leave.

Are we team Laddie or team Haddie??

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