Chapter Nineteen

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The first thing I notice is her hair. It's naturally wavy but she's made it flat, to where it reaches her ribs. Her makeup is dark, which I particularly don't like because she looks just as good without it, but all in all, Adelina looks like a goddess. As I approach her and Louis, I can see that her breasts are practically popping out of the cups, making me hold back a moan. I wonder if she knows she's wearing the same dress as Mackenzie, yet looks one thousand times better.

"Why are there paparazzi here?" The blonde asks from beside me, making me shrug, "how the hell should I know? You probably told them to come here with the amount of attention you need to have." I fire back, making her stand up straighter.

This could be Addie standing next to me right now, but no, I had to be a complete dick and make up some douchebag story. But don't get me wrong, I do like kissing her and I know she likes kissing me, but I need her to know it's so much more than that. I'm just scared.


I turn my attention to the group of guys outside of the ballroom. Matthew rushes toward us and wraps his arms around me. I laugh lightly, "you're wasted right now, mate." He pulls away with bloodshot eyes, "pregame all the way." His grin is lopsided, making me shake my head. Everyone in the circle grins at me, aside from Adelina, who stares at me as if I'm a ghost. Louis pats me on the shoulder and I touch his fist with mine as we always do. I can't tell you how fucking jealous I am seeing him with her and what makes it even worse is that there is no possible way I could ever hate this kid, he's so nice it's sickening. My eyes land on Adelina's and she gives me a tiny smile. My lips curve into a smirk as I noticeably rake my eyes up and down her body. I wonder if she's listened to those songs I gave her. The lyrics in each one meant something, but most importantly they describe how badly I need her. This shy, American girl changed my world in just a few minutes. Thank you Jesus for letting me twist my ankle that night, but it still hurt like a bitch.

"What are we doing standing out here, let's go!" Matthew yells before rushing inside. He's definitely the best fit for the president of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Plus he can drink more than anyone I've ever met, even more than Niall. I cannot wait to see my boys this week, it's been almost a month since I've started this university thing, and it's honestly great. The guys in the frat treat me as if I'm just another one of them, not one has asked me for an autograph or anything, and I love it. Yet, those damn paps seem to always know where I am. That's another reason I seem to be keeping myself away from Addie, I don't want her getting swept up into my hectic lifestyle. No, I need her, and she's going to know that tonight.

"She is not wearing the same dress as me." Mackenzie huffs and I snicker as I look Addie up and down again. I turn to the blonde with a shrug, causing her to roll her eyes dramatically. Her and her sidekick, Charlotte are both so dramatic, Lord have mercy.

I watch as Adelina clings to Louis' arms, causing my stomach to twist. Breathe Harry... she will be yours soon.

The ballroom is crowded and loud music plays throughout the space. From the outside looking in, I can see bodies pressed against each other; way to keep it classy. I feel Mackenzie grab my hand, and as much as I want to swat it away, I wrap mine around hers as well. When I look up, the brunette I have had my eyes on all night is gone, causing me to look around frantically.

"What are you looking for?" The blonde spits, yet I don't respond before dragging her to the dance floor. Whoops and hollers are thrown as they see me and I grin before moving along to the music. Mackenzie grinds her bony ass against my front and I roll my eyes as I set my hands on her hips. If only if this was Addie. I bet she can move, hell look at her! She's practically a goddess. I can feel myself getting hard the more I think about her; she's the only one I am going to think about the whole night. The song ends and the crowd cheers, but is cut off by another tune flooding through the speakers. It's a well known song, making the drunken teenagers holler again.

"I'm going to get something to drink." I tell Mackenzie, making her pout but nod as I leave her alone. If only management would have let me pick a girl I actually liked to be my fake girlfriend, that would be nice. And maybe the pictures wouldn't look as forced. I sit at the bar and pull out my phone and get on Twitter, only to see thousands of notifications. I laugh at Niall's tweet and favorite it, making the bartender look at me funny.

"You know, it's a little odd to be laughing at your phone."

My stomach twists at Addie's voice, causing me to turn towards her. She can't be more than 5'7, making her tiny compared to me, and allowing me to look straight down her dress. Score.

"You know you shouldn't have an attitude with me." I fire back, making her roll her beautiful hazel eyes. She looks around then back toward me, "what are you doing here alone?" I shrug, and nod towards Mackenzie, who is flirting with some dude. Adelina nods and raises her eyebrows, "nice dress." Her comment makes me laugh, causing her to pout. I focus my eyes on her and stick my tongue out to wet my lips, "you look so much better than she could ever imagine." She looks away and pulls on her dark hair. Even in the dim lighting I can tell her face is red, meaning I did something right. Now. I need to do it now before Louis takes her away from me.

She stays silent yet keeps her eyes on me. I have no idea what is going through her mind right now but I need to tell her that what I said was a lie. I need her bad as ever.

"Addie." I breathe, making me move from the chair. As soon as my feet hit the ground Addie widens her eyes, "I-I have to go." She spits causing me to huff and chase after her. The bright lights catch me off guard, causing a string of curse words to fall from my mouth. The door to the girls restroom is still slightly moving back and forth, causing me to rush inside. Addie turns towards me with wide eyes and a flushed face, yet I know I look the same.

"What are we doing Harry? I can't handle this back and forth shit." She chokes, causing me to nod as I move toward her. How do I even start this?

A breathy laugh falls from my lips, "I was an idiot for saying those things at dinner, you're not just a game, you're this amazing girl that I can't seem to stop thinking about. Those kisses meant something to me, I wouldn't have kept coming round if they didn't. I need you to tell me that you feel the same way, Adelina." My breathing is shallow as I step even closer to her, making us mere inches apart.

"What don't you understand, Harry? We're from two different worlds," She motions between her and myself, "This could never work."

Her breathing is rapid, and I know my eyes are wild as I stare back at her, "you tried to get away from me once, Addie, but that backfired on you, didn't it?" I want to smirk at her but the thoughts running through my head are hindering that.

"Adelina please, I know you feel the same way." I move my hand to her cheek and lightly run it up and down the soft skin, "how does that feel?" I ask, causing her mouth to fall slightly agape at the contact. I move farther down and run my fingers along her neck and collarbones before trailing the neckline of her dress.

"Harry," Her voice is soft, yet raspy, contrasting in the most wonderful way. "Someone could see."

I pull her by her waist and let out a breathy laugh, "I don't care! You make me forget about everyone and everything around me. I only need to focus on you, and be good for you." My eyes bore into hers one last time before she crashes her lips against mine.

Share your thoughts, I loved writing that chapter xx

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