Chapter Forty Four

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The drive to Harrys house is quiet. Not uncomfortably quiet, but peaceful. The road is dark and long, and only one or two cars have passed us on the way. I look over at Harry and his eyebrows are pushed together, clearly deep in thought. He hasn't said much about his dads death, but I don't expect him to. He's still processing the news and I hope to be beside him every day he grieves.

Streetlights fill the car as we drive through town. All the shops are closed but even with the dim lighting I can tell this town is very historic. The brick on each building is waring and vines climb up the backs of some. We turn down a street and small houses line up and down both sides, they are much different than the houses in America. They are all brick, looking as if they are all one story. The main difference is that the houses are extremely close together and none of them have a front yard, mostly because their front porches are so close to the sidewalks.

"Well this is it." Harry says as he parallel parks the car on the street. I open the car door and meet Harry at the trunk of the car. I reach for my bag but he beats me to it, throwing it over his shoulder like it's nothing. I huff and cross my arms but follow him down the thin sidewalk.

"When I was young, my grandparents lived right next door to us. Gemma and I would wake up and immediately go over there because Grammy made the best breakfast." I smile at Harry's words and I picture a young, curly-headed boy hurrying to get his shoes on so he could get his breakfast.

Harry stops as he fishes for a house key in his pocket. My foot touches the bottom step and I can feel my heart begin to pound out of my chest. I grab Harry's hand and he squeezes it, diminishing some of my nerves. I've never been good at meeting new people, better yet Harry's family.

"I don't know if I can do it." I tell him, looking down at my shoes to avoid his eyes. They get me every time.

Harry tilts my chin up and I turn to face him. His green eyes are dark, holding so many emotions behind them. His lips are parted and I can see his breath coming out in soft puffs. "You're going to be fine, Addie. You'll fit in perfectly."

His words calm me down, and I feel less nervous despite the quick beating of my heart. I watch as he slowly turns the key and I let out a breath as we walk into the small foyer. Two heads turn to look us and I feel my face heat immediately. His sister Gemma has a shocking resemblance to her brother, and if I didn't know of the age difference, I would have guessed they were twins.

My shoes squeak across the wooden floors and I pick up my feet to quiet the noise some. Harry's mother is the first to come toward us. Her eyes are a deep brown while the whites around the edges of her eyes are red, proving how much she has been crying.

"Oh Adelina. I'm so glad you could make it. I'm Anne." I'm surprised when she pulls me in for a hug. She is a thin woman, yet her grip is safe and comforting, much like her sons.

The two of us pull away and I smile softly at her. "I am too. Is there anything I can do?"

His mother laughs lightly and puts a hand to her chest. "No, love. You being here for Harry is all we can ask for." I look over at Harry, who is standing with his hands in his pockets. His smug look has, I told you so, written all over it.

Harry looks at his mom and motions toward the small living area, where Gemma is sitting on the floor. Her knees are brought to her chest and the closer I get, I see that she is rocking slightly back and forth. Her skin is pale and the bags under her eyes are extremely puffy. As we approach, she looks up. Her green eyes are an exact match to her brothers, but there is no color behind them. My heart breaks for her.

"Hey Gem, this is Addie, the girl from school I told you about." His voice is soft and slow, like he is talking to a child. He reaches his hand and sets it on her shoulder, rubbing his thumb in soft circles. Gemma breathes slowly and I watch her relax as she stops rocking.

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