Chapter Twenty Five

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I don't think there is a proper way to handle not being able to see the person you woke up for. My words contradicted every action that I've done so far and it's only been two days. Two days of staying in my bed because I've been too scared to see him. Two days of fighting to keep off my phone so I won't look online to see what he's doing. Two days of absolute misery. Charlotte has tried getting me to go out but I won't have it, I'm not up to speaking or seeing anyone, because I know people are talking. The few times I've gone to the restroom girls have squealed about Mackenzie and Harry, making me scurry back to my room and cry. It's so much harder than I ever thought it would be; This whole moving on with our lives thing. It's fucking miserable.

My days have become a routine, in which I hate. I wake up, brush my teeth and then distract myself for the next twelve or so hours. Yet, I always seem to find myself thinking about what Harry is doing and if he's upset too. It's a battle within me and I am currently losing.

I smile slightly at the Hannah Montana episode streaming through my laptop. Really though, how could Lilly not recognize that she and Miley were the same person? Just as she is about to reveal herself, a knock at the door causes a groan to fall from my lips. I fix my large sweatshirt and pull my pajama shorts down to make myself look more presentable. I open the door with a blank expression but it immediately changes when I see who is in the doorway. My mom and dad stand before me with open arms and grins on their faces and I feel myself mimic the expression as I bring them into a hug. Their arms are tight around me, making me feel safe and at home.

"Surprise!" My mother cheers, letting herself in. She looks the same as she always has; Dark shoulder length hair, tanned skin and hazel eyes to match mine. Her clothes are pressed and worn to perfection as they always are; A trait I did not receive.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask as I move to sit on my bed. I realize that my room isn't cleaned, making me stand up and pick my clothes up from the ground.

My father pats me on the back and grins, his eyes crinkling at the sides. "We wanted to see how your first month of school was going. You do live in a different country so you don't get to come home every weekend like the other kids in town." His eyes are bright and hopeful, as they always have been. His dark hair is peppered with grey, but he is aging well, while he is dressed in a sweatshirt with my high school's logo on it and sweatpants. He and my mom are so different, but they compliment each other in the best way.

"Thank you so much. It means the world to me that you guys would do that." I tell them honestly, and they look between each other with a gleam in each of their eyes. "You sound so grown up. Where is my Adelina?" My mom cries and wraps me in another hug, causing me to laugh, "Moooom." I tease and she pulls away from me while wiping her tears.

"What have you been up to?" My dad asks, sitting at the oak desk and I dive in and tell him everything, well almost. I ramble about classes and which one's are my favorite, and how I've grown to like world history. I inform them again on Louis and his occurring drinking problem, making my mother scold me about hanging around him, yet I blow her off and explain that he is a good friend. I make sure I leave out Harry, deciding it wouldn't be a good idea to share that information, because it would turn into a lecture that I truly do not want to listen to. I need to get my mind off of him and spending time with my parents is the perfect way to do it.

"Did you want to go anywhere?" I ask and they shrug excitedly. I know they are just as thrilled to be in England as I was when I first arrived, and truthfully I want to show them around.

"Show us everything." My mom giggles, making me smile with a playful roll of my eyes. I change quickly into a pair of dark jeans, tall brown boots and a thick sweater before re-joining my parents in the dorm, who are glancing around the room.

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