Chapter Thirty Two

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I watch as the door slams behind Pauline, yet I stay completely frozen with my jaw slacking slightly. The second I saw her sitting on the couch my blood ran cold. She was the type of girl that people like me feared, and I did. The sad part was, she used to be my best friend. The two of us were inseparable until I had my first kiss. Logan Fitzgerald had been her crush since the 9th grade, and one day during junior year I was dared to kiss him. Pauline was furious, so furious she started a rumor that we had sex, and from then on out I was called a slut every single day. All my friends turned against me, and after that I feared everyone would treat me the way they did so I kept to myself the rest of high school.


I gasp, startled by my dad's voice. I turn around and force a smile, hoping to at least look pleased about being home, yet this trip hasn't exactly started on the right foot.

"You know, you don't have to go to that party just to make your mom happy." A small smile rests on his aging face and I sigh in relief that someone in this house still has some sanity, but my hope diminishes when Pauline's harsh words flood my mind.

I take a step closer to him. "I know, dad. Maybe it could be fun, I know Harry would want to sight see a bit too." I have never been good at lying but I hope my small one will go over my fathers head.

He shakes his head yet finishes with a nod, showing that he agrees with me. My dad has always been one to take my side on arguments, which would make my mother even more angry. It was quite the sight to see, but I know they both want what is best for me.

"Well I want you to have fun tonight, and don't hesitate to call me if you need anything or feel uncomfortable." His voice is soft, but I know he is serious, this being the first event per say I have been invited to in my home town.

I nod and kiss my dad's cheek before heading up stairs toward my room. The door is cracked and a smile creeps on my face as I peek inside. Harry is sprawled across my bed, making it look tiny compared to his lanky body. His hair is messy as it covers the pillow his arm is wrapped around, hugging it close. His pale pink lips are parted as he breathes, snoring ever so softly. I lean against the door frame in awe of how perfect he looks, and is.

Seeing him in situations like this makes me forget that I should be mad at him and all the love I have for him rushes back like a tidal wave. I wonder if he is dreaming of me and the life we could have together, as I do every night. The two of us are drama free and full of love and happiness, yet I wake up and everything crashes down around me. It's never ending and just as I think it's not worth the hurt, Harry reminds me of why I love him so dearly.

I watch the beautiful boy turn and stretch in my bed, making me move out of the doorway. Just as I close the door Harry speaks softly, his voice raspy and low. "Baby, where are you going?"

I wet my lips before stepping into my room. "I was going to let you sleep, we've had a long day." He wrinkles his forehead and pats the empty space beside him causing me to sigh and bound toward him, proving that no matter how upset I am with him I am still under his spell.

Harry pulls back the comforter so I can join him and we immediately intertwine ourselves within one another, from my head resting in the crook of his neck all the way down to our feet hooked around the other.

"Addie?" I hum in reply, my eyes suddenly feeling extremely heavy; this time change is definitely going to take some getting used to.

"Never leave me, Adelina. I would be so lost without you." My heart stops for a second before beating rapidly and out of sync.

My hand finds Harry's and I squeeze it tightly, "I would never. It's you and I, always."

The left side of the bed dips and I push my eyebrows together in confusion. Just as I open my eyes I feel Harry grab my hand and pull me on top of him.

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