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I watched silently as my parents made their way into the room.

They approached Tia without even glancing my way.

"Oh my gosh. He's so beautiful. "My mother commented.

"What's his name? "

"Timothy jr."


Tia nodded before taking a glance at me.

How they knew she was here was beyond me.

"Uh yeah. Mom dad this is my fiance Timothy. So how did you guys know I was here?"

"Well a friend of ours work here.They said you were in labor. Why didn't you call us when you found out you were pregnant?"

"I had a lot going on."

"Well next time we would like to be apart of it."

"Well Gia is pregnant."

Tia said gesturing to me.

I looked over to meet my parents eyes.

"I hope you know the man that knocked you up."My mother spoke boldly.

I didn't even let the surprise reach my face.

The group excused themselves and Hector had left with Gio to change him. I hoped he'd be longer so he wouldn't witness anything.

I just chuckled.

"Mom! Why would you say that?"Tia yelled quietly not wanting to wake jr.

"Your sister is a hoe. The last time I seen her she was with a bunch of men."

"Gia is an amazing person and isn't like that. If you two paid any attention then you'd know she's been a virgin."

I just smiled at her.

"I want to address that. I wasn't the amazing child that you both thought you had. Gia was the star. She was smart and beautiful. And took for granted. I think both of you owe her an apology."

"No. No you dont. You both can think what you want of me. I'm done with chances of being in my life. So think what you want of me. I never mattered to you anyway. I know I was just the unwanted child."

I took a pause to look away from them to look at Tia.

"Thank you for standing up to me. I love you for being there for me. Haven't been the best sister's to each other."

"I love you too Gia. Don't give up on them. People change and I have. I never thought I would be the person I am now. Addicted to drugs and have sex with anyone and everyone.

Tia paused to see the shock and horror on her parents face.

But now I have a son. A family with a man I love that would do anything for me. And I love him just as much.Gia is amazing and she should have never been looked at any less.Gia is her own person and thought of as such. I love you through whatever you decide Gia."

I walked up to Tia and hugged her. Cautious of my nephew.

I kissed his forehead and hers. Before whispering a love you.

"Like I said they don't want me. Never have so no point."

"Gia!"My dad exclaimed finally.

I turned to him.

"No you listen here me and your father have done what we can for you. We loved you. Still do. Gia you were just so-."

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