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I was having so much fun today.It was so much better when I was happy and not angry.

Last night was amazing.I couldnt wait to get back to him.


I did something completely unexpected and outta character.

I called Timothy wanting to apologize and be in his good graces.He accepted and we went to ihop and it was about to be 6 in the morning.

"So what did you call me for?"

"Timothy I'm sorry. I'm just so used to-."

"Tia I know what your used to but I'm not them other niggas and you need to realize that.I am my own man. I mean of course I want you but not on our first day if I can prevent it.Now if we were to have sex later then it would be that. But know I will be there in the morning to wake up to such a beautiful face.Give me my chance to treat you like a queen."

At the end I was trying to keep the tears from falling and Timothy took that as his chance to hold me.

"Tia baby? It's ok. Alright? Stop crying."

I stopped my tears and looked up into his awaiting eyes.

"I'm gonna give you that chance."

He pressed his lips to mine causing an 'aw' from our waitress and a blush from me.

For the rest of breakfast we played 20 questions. After we were done eating we were about to go our separate ways but Timothy said he wanted to spend tha day with me.

Leaving my car we took off into an unknown destination.I repeatedly questioned were we were going.

Soon we found our way to the beach.I always loved going to the beach.It was so peaceful and beautiful. Escaping here helped me get away from my problems.

We went and played in the water and walked on the strip.I was having so much fun soaking in the sun, splashing around in the water, and just carrying on laughing.

Then he took me to a little carnival. We rode every ride laughing to the point we had to stop so we wouldn't get sick.

"I'm having so much fun! Oh my gosh Timothy I feel like a kid again! I haven't had this much fun in forever."

"We'll I'm glad I get to see you like this and provide this happiness."

I stopped and stared at him.

I slowly moved myself closer to him making him grip me tighter.

"Thank you. "I said looking up at his handsome face.


Our lips met in a soft kiss.

He stepped back as we lefted and headed in whatever our next destination was.

We pulled in front of a beautiful two story house.

I turned to already see him grinning at me.

"Whose house is this? This is beautiful."

"Mine.And Thank you."

He turned off the engine and walked to my side and opened the door for me.

I thought that it was sweet him acting like a gentleman. As we walked in his house it was neater than I expected.It stood there because it caught me off guard.

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