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To say I was annoyed was an understatement.

Why did every man had to fall weak at the knees for her?

What was so great about her?

What did she have that I didn't have?

I was snapped outta my thoughts as she started to sang along with Alicia Keys song The fire we make ft. Maxwell.

I liked the song and right now she was ruining the song.I gave her an annoyed look before turning my attention back to the road.

I was driving to the mall to find something to wear tonight.

I had ordered the amazing shoes.Plus

Tia had been talking her ear off to me about tonight.I wanted to yell shut tha fuck up.But I didn't.I stayed quiet as usual.

We arrived at the mall and made our way in.The whole time she was talking about tonight was gonna be so fun.

Why couldn't she just be quiet?

The whole day I've been listening to her talk.

The whole time at work.

The whole time in the car.

The moment right now.

I stopped but she didn't.She turned around to notice me standing there.

"What are you doing?"

"Tia listen.I need you to like shut up seriously. Be quiet. I need a moment."

She frowned before it turned into a mug.

"Fuck you then.I'm tryna be a good person and make conversation.I'll just leave you alone.Find me when I'm not getting on your nerves."She said as she stormed away.


She continued to walk away.I sighed.If that's how she wants it then that's how it will be.

I started walking around in plenty of stores noticing that I didnt wanted much.

I also decided I wanted to go plain tonight. I kind of wanted my attention on my shoes.

I was walking around with a few bags untill I stumbled into Charlotte Russe.

My shoes had white, black, red, and blue on them with a gold heel.

I so decided I wanted to were white.

As I picked up this long white dress someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Not that dress.Show some leg."

I turned to see Tia.I smiled before making a puppy dog face.

"You still mad at me? Please don't be. I'm sorry. "

"Of course I forgive you."

We smiled and hugged each other.

I put the dress back and we began walking around in other stores to see if they had anything better.

We walked into Body Central.

I knew I should've went here first.They had a bunch of great dresses.

I tried on all of them and then I came out wearing a plain white strapless dress with a bow on the back then it was a cut that showed a little of my back tattoo.

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