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So I'm going to be ending this book. This is gonna be the second to last chapter. Thanks for the reads,support, and everything . Also there's gonna be a sex scene.

This is a long chapter sorry. Not sorry.


We had taken our maternity photographs and had a blowup mounted on the wall, such a beautiful day. I could have just ate up all the cuteness Giovanni was serving.

We took a small vacation and gotten them professionally done. We also went to celebrate Hector's divorce.

The baby shower a week later went off without a hitch including my parents crashing the event.

More positivity. Thats what i was truly one with now.

My baby was getting so big he was about to be 7 months and getting so chunky. He was so spoiled and happy baby. Him and Timothy jr had been having playdates. Jr. Was so handsome and growing fast also.

Their birthday's weren't that far apart, just 2 months and 3 weeks.

Im so grateful for Nikki.

A start to the many photos we planned to fill the wall with. Tia and I had gotten some pictures of Gio and Jr.. also.

I planned to make a baby scrap book.

I had stopped working about a month ago. I would enjoy the time off. Maybe even considering finding something or somewhere else to work entirely. But now I was gonna sit back and relax.

I was currently on bed rest the twins had taken the best out of me.

Though the babies usely does.

Thankfully for I had Hector as my support. We women need it. We are so powerful and make sacrifice so easily.  Almost like second nature. Though the job of the nurturing was for us.

Doesn't mean we want to be alone.  To have to.

Plus Tia and Jennifer had been getting along better than ever. Tia and her had a long and emotional conversation. I think they understand themselves,the situation, and life in general a better.

I was thankfully I could count on them to be here and they had. Also thankfully Darrell and Timothy were helping Hector.

Grandparents were doing exactly what they needed. Helping their baby have a baby. Takes a village. They sure had become one.

So much so that her and Hector had been finding it hard to have some alone time. I guess it was something to get used to. I mean either we were sleeping or getting interrupted. I missed my the sex. Ill blame hormones later.

I knew what a hand full i must have been and are. But I comes with lots of love. Little crazy.

Love for my babies. Myself. Hector.

I wanted a more intimate birth.

They had set up a room in our home; gotten a midwife and a doula.

Both older black women with years of experience and skills under their belt. Both with multiple degrees and service.

I had talked Hector into having a home birth. I wanted something special and to follow my own rules. I wanted to squat and have Hector catch them. Have a beautiful birth. It was happening or so I decided. 

That also meant that i compromise and eat healthier. Raw fruits, vegetables, and etc. But I wanted to do that anyway. Hector would be so strict about my eating.

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