Chapter 1

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Music is like an escape for me. No matter what I'm going through or how I feel, I can always rely on music. Its like it speaks to my soul. It says what I may be thinking or maybe even feeling. Through music I can tell a story. I can describe the problems I face every single day in life. I can put my emotions in it. That's why I hold music so close to my heart.

Since I was a little girl, I've always held music very close to me. I didn't have my parents around as much because of their jobs, so I turned to music. It was like my only friend at the time. I've been singing since I was a little girl. Being my little goofy self in the mirror, holding a brush as I sung my heart out. I never really took it serious back then.  I'm at the age of 18 now and I'm finally taken it more seriously.

I have two best friends by the names of Monae and Shaniah. I've known Nae and Shi literally all my life. Our mothers were best friends, so of course we all were best friends as well. Nae is older than Shi and I by a year then I'm older than Shi by a few months. But don't let me bring that up around her. She hates it.

I remember Shi and I being so young, singing our little hearts out. Our soft little squeaky voices. Lord, have our vocals progressed. Nae is the rapper of the group. She's so outspoken and speaks her mind, so of course she is the rapper. She goes so hard in her raps. Shit, we all go hard with music period. When it comes to that we do not play around. We didn't take this seriously when we were younger, but once we got older we did. We gave our all in it.

We started off posting music covers on YouTube and that's basically how we got our name out here. People heard how beautiful our voices were and they loved us. So, we started hitting the studio, making our own music. We even shot music videos from here and there. People heard our music and loved us even more.

Our fan base got even larger and people started booking us for shows and events. The girls and I had never been so happy in our lives. All of our hard work was paying off. Of course record labels wanted to sign us, but sadly we didn't find a good one. We wanted an amazing recording label that wouldn't stop us from releasing our music or stop us from going to shows. So, we didn't sign. We were still looking to that very day for a label to sign to that was worth it.

I snapped out of my thoughts, picking up my ringing phone. I looked down at it to see it was Jenise. Jenise was someone who helped the girls and I with shows and things like that. She wasn't our manager and there was no contract with her. She was just someone who was a very good friend of our mom's and loved to help us with our careers. We were beyond thankful to have her in our lives and helping us with our careers.

"Hey Jenise." I answered the phone, kicking my feet from the bed.

"Hey Dani, I'm down here at the dance studio with the girls. I need you here so we can go over the choreography for the show."

"Alright, I'll be there in about 15 minutes."

"Okay, see you when you get here."

"See you."

I hung up the phone, making my way into my closet. I got changed into my black Nike joggers, a black Nike cropped shirt and my black Yeezy's. I put my hair in a bun, grabbed my bag then finally headed downstairs.

 I put my hair in a bun, grabbed my bag then finally headed downstairs

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