Chapter 52

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It had been a year and boy was I put on a roller coaster. A mentally, physically and emotionally challenging roller coaster. Everything that had came within that year I honestly didn't see coming. I felt like my life had changed so drastically which was so crazy. Out of everything our career was sky rocketing. I mean we were the biggest we had ever been in our careers. Every single place we went we caused attention, we were headlining shows, being nominated for awards, collaborating with major brands, getting film opportunities and just overall receiving blessings after blessings. We were literally at the peak of our careers and I was loving it. That's all I had ever asked for. To be successful in what I love to do and it was happening. I was beyond grateful.

In other parts of my life, things were...crazy. Crazy as hell. Someway, somehow Chres and I were still together. Still somehow working through everything that came our way. Sitting back today, I'm honestly surprised we had made it that long. So much had happened in over a year, but we were working towards two years together and I was shook. Things had gotten so crazy between us and I honestly didn't know what to do to fix it. We had gotten so toxic for each other. Literally saying some of the sickest things to each other just to see the other one down and out. Just to get that reaction we know we could get out of one another. We both had got to the point where we were in love and literally the littlest things could have us jealous and ready to risk it all. We didn't want a soul next to either of us. This was definitely toxic love. I knew this relationship was no good for me, but I loved him and I honestly got to the point where I couldn't see my life without him. I didn't want to see my life without him.

I left out of my bedroom with Bronx in my arms, heading down to the living room where I just knew someone was. I expected to be out of this house and away from these people by then, but I wasn't. We were still going hard with our careers and we were no where near where management wanted us to be and where we needed to be. So, they felt we needed to be together in this house for just a little while longer. I honestly didn't mind too much at that point. I had gotten used to being around most of those people and everyone mostly minded their business.

"You did not tell me you were here."I said to Gabby as I walked into the living room. She was seated on the sofa with her laptop and things beside her.

"I just got here to be honest."She said with a chuckle.

After that promo tour, Gabby had became one of our permanent dancers. Management absolutely loved her, the fans loved her and she did a damn good job at her job. So, they thought it was best to have her apart of the team. I was so happy about that. I loved working close with my sister. I loved having her close like she was. Keisha had even offered Gabby to stay in the house and everything, but she declined. She still was at the house all the time though.

"Where's the girls?"Gab questioned as she ate her chips.

"Shi went out with Prod to his mom's house and Nae's out in Atlanta with Daniel."I admitted.

For the girls, their relationships had been going perfectly fine and I was happy for them. I was happy to see them happy. Lord knows we all had been going through it when it came to relationships for a while, so to see the girls happily in love I was here for it.

"Where's your boy toy?"I questioned with a smirk.

"Somewhere throughout this house. He should be making his way down here though."Gabby admitted.

Ofcourse over time Gabby and Prince had became an item and when I say everyone loved it, I mean eveyone. Even the boy's crazy ass fans which was big because their fans didn't like them with any girl. They hated Shi and I for the longest. But I guess everyone could just see the chemistry between Gabby and Prince. They were literally like the same person and I really thought they were perfect for each other.

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