Chapter 31

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It was finally the last week of tour and I was beyond excited. I literally had a smile on my face every single day that week. Half of the reason why I was smiling came from us finally being done with tour while the other half was from Chres. He seriously had me feeling the best I had in months.

I had literally spent that whole month before with Chres and only Chres. I wasn't even hanging with the girls like that. Whenever I had free time I was with him. Having fun and doing new things with a new person in my life. Chres made sure we never had a dull moment and I loved that. I was honestly enjoying every second of time spent with him. He made sure my mind stayed off all the other bs in my life. He made sure I stayed on top of things that was important. I seriously enjoyed him. Enjoying it a little more than I thought. I didn't expect to just click with Chres like that. I didn't expect him to be so much like me. I didn't expect me to really be feeling him. I really was feeling him and I was loving that.

"You blow my phone up all the time, I couldn't ignore you if I wanted."I said with a laugh as I sat on FaceTime with Anthony. I was in my hotel room, enjoying the little time I had before my busy night.

"Nah, I'm just saying tho. I feel like I be bothering you and you ain't really fucking with ya boy."He admitted as his hand brushed over his head.

"You're not bothering me, Anthony. If you was bothering me, I would've been blocked you."I admitted with a giggle.

"And you are a cool guy. I can see us being good friends."I stated, making sure to say friends. I didn't want to lead him on or have him thinking this was anything more. I was with Chres and I made sure he was okay with this before I continued talking to him. Even though I made it clear to Chres that Anthony only wanted to be friends he wasn't buying that. He said "he knew what type of guy he was.", but instead of tripping and being controlling, he said he didn't mind if we be friends.

"I've been really busy, that's why I don't respond much. But tour is ending this week, so I'll have more time on my hands."

"How you feel about that though?"Anthony asked.


"Tour ending."

"Eh, bitter sweet."I admitted with a soft smile.

"I've been loving going out their killing those shows, feeling that energy and seeing our fans. I'm going to miss that. I've gotten close to a few people who I feel will be permanent in my life. But I'm ready to be home. I miss my family, I miss my city and I miss that good ass weather."I admitted making Anthony laugh.

"It's nice as hell out here too."Anthony admitted making me smile just thinking about it. In all honestly, Cali weather was in the top five reasons I was ready for tour to end. Being on the road and touring to different cities, I experienced every weather there is and with that came sickness. I was sick a few times during tour.

"But at least you had some good moments out there. You can have that shit in your memories forever."Anthony admitted making me nod my head. He was completely right about that.

That's was something about Anthony. When I first got to know Anthony. He portrayed himself as a good friend. He did all the typical things friends do. Check up on you whenever, keep you laughing and pushing through your day, showing that they actually care about you. But in all honesty, Anthony wasn't a friend. Nothing close to it. He just had his wants and would do whatever he could to fulfill them.

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