Chapter 72

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I let out a breath as I sat in my attorney's office alongside my mama and Keisha as they were trying to gather information together. We were there discussing the case I now had.

It had been a week since the incident at the club and things had got a bit real. Like Keisha said, the girl had pressed charges on me. I was facing an assault charge. That girl didn't hesitate to run to the police the moment that incident happened. She knew who I was, so all she could see is money from the whole situation.

What was the craziest of the whole story is a day after the incident, the girl posted a video to Instagram bawling, saying how I just out of no where attacked her and she didn't do anything. She was trying to play the role like I just snapped and she didn't understand why I took my frustration out on her. I was so outdone with that. My first reaction was to @ her ass, but my mama made sure that I didn't. She said that would make the situation worst. I just wanted to go off on that damn girl. She knew why I did what I did and there was definitely a reasoning behind that. In all honesty, she provoked me. She made me act out like that. If she wouldn't have been mugging me and trying to tell me about my own damn life, she wouldn't have got hit in the first place.

Only reason I wasn't tripping on that whole dumb ass charge was because I knew there was proof that that girl was provoking me. So many people were recording that night, I knew they caught everything. Even though I knew I could prove this, it wasn't going to dismiss the case, but the charges against me was lessened. Regardless of any of that, I did not care about that damn case.

"Yes, so her first court date is on the 22nd."My lawyer told us making mama and Keisha nod.

"Thank you so much Leslie, you are just a big help."Mama said with a smile as she stood, shaking her hand.

"No problem, you know I'm always here to help you guys."Leslie said with a smile. Leslie had been our family lawyer for years. She was more than happy to help me on this case.

Once Leslie ran a few things down to me, we all finally left out the office, heading to the lot where the cars were.

"I'll see you at the house Dani."Keisha said as she opened her car door.

"Okay Keisha."I responded as I opened the passengers door to my mom's car. I would've drove back with Keisha to the house, but I honestly needed to catch up with my mom on things. I hadn't talked to her or seen her in a while.

I climbed in her car and she finally took off, heading towards the house.

"So, what do you think the outcome of this will be?"I asked, speaking on the case. Although I didn't care, I wasn't about to be stupid or small minded about the situation. In reality, I was really facing charges and could go to jail.

"Well, being that Leslie is one of the best lawyers in LA, I know you foreshore won't be looking at any time."Mama said making me nod.

"And on top of that, there's so much proof out here that that girl was provoking you and trying to get a reaction out of you."

Mama was right on that. When I said people were recording me the whole night I meant that. A few people had caught those girls on camera hours before that incident had even happened. They were already hating and watching me in my section. You could hear them talking shit and pointing up at me. It was crazy because I hadn't noticed none of that. If people wouldn't have caught that on camera I would've never knew.

"I honestly think you're ofcourse going to have to compensate that girl and you may or may not be on probation."Mama admitted.

"Probation?"I said with a frown, looking over at her.

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