Chapter 25

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"We are not about to continue to do this, this is ridiculous!"Keisha yelled raging as the girls and I sat there honestly ready to go.

I sighed as I stared off to the side, continuing to block Keisha out because I honestly didn't care to hear what she had to say. It was the very next day since that big blow out and ofcourse Keisha got word of this. Zonnique's manager went to Keisha once they seen their girls. Ofcourse they were tore up and ofcourse they wasn't feeling it. The moment Keisha found out she was pissed.

She didn't hesistate to come rushing in the girls and I room that morning, giving us a lecture. It was early as hell and I was not listening. I didn't care what she had to say at all. What we did, we did. We wasn't about to apologize for it or regret what we did. They deserved everything we sent their way.

At this point I was just ready to head to the next city and get away from everyone. I just wanted to be left alone because I needed that. Keisha being down our necks was starting to be too much.

"Are you listening to me, Dani?"Keisha stated with attitude as she crossed her arms. I honestly was zoned out. I didn't hear a word she said.

"Yes Keisha."I said, letting out a breath and sitting back against the head board.

"Good, all three of y'all need to be listening. This is not acceptable. All of you girls are on tour and have to go see thousands of people each night. No one wants to see y'all beat up. No one shouldn't have to miss a show because they look so bad. This is crazy."Keisha let out, shaking her head.

"This is my last time having this talk with you girls. Are we understood?"

"Yes Keisha."The girls and I all said together.

"Thank you. Now please get your things packed up, we have to head out soon."Keisha let out before leaving the hotel room along with her assistant.

I shook my head as I climbed out the bed and began grabbing my suitcases. I was thankful that was over.

"Gosh, that woman there."Nae stated shaking her head with a chuckle.

"She gets pissed so fast."I let out with a laugh.

"She does, but she's right guys. We shouldn't let these girls knock us off our square like that."Shi let out with sigh.

"I know, but it's easier said than done. We can't just let what they do slide. That's not in us. Their disrespectful and someone needs to put them in their place."Nae stated, not holding one ounce of regret in her voice.

I was with her too. I knew those girls and us could never be cordial. Never. They were way different from us. How they carried themselves, we didn't. They were the total opposite of us and we couldn't do nothing but clash. What I didn't expect is for us to be pretty much fighting with them for what seemed like forever. We never got cool with those girls.

"Enough of that nonsense though, a bad bitch's birthday is almost here!"Nae screamed making me climb onto the bed, twerking. Ofcourse Shi started gassing me up, making me laugh and fall on to the bed.

Yes, my birthday was pretty much here. That next week to be exact. So much was going on during that time, I honestly didn't have time to sit and really think about it. Ofcourse it had been on my mind, but I hadn't thought about anything I wanted to do. Any other time I wouldn't stop talking about my birthday.

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