Chapter 60

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It was finally the first day of tour and I didn't know how to feel. I sat on my bedroom floor, packing up all my things while just sitting in silence. I had already dropped Bronx off to my moms and was getting the last few of my things together. As always I had mixed emotions about tour. I was happy as hell, but sad at the same time because I was about to be away from Chres. That was our first time since being together that we were away from each other like that and I didn't know what to expect. I loved spending time with him. I loved being with him 24/7 and now that we were about to be away from each other for those months, I didn't know what I was about to do.

I sighed to myself as I zipped up my suitcase, sitting it near the door with the rest of my things. The buses were on the way to the house and everyone was getting their things together. I had already said my goodbyes to my family and I was just waiting to hit the road at this point.

I heard a knock at my door, making me yell to whoever to come in. When I looked up I could see it was Gabby.

"Hi sister."She said with a grin as she walked into the room, sitting on my bed.

"Hey Gabs."I said as I sat down beside her on the bed.

"I really can't believe we're about to be on tour together. I know we did that little tour together before, but this is different."Gabby said with a smile making me smile.

"I know right. I'm excited."I admitted. I absolutely loved working with my sister. I loved doing what I love with her. I loved seeing her doing what she loved. I was honestly blessed that we were able to do that together.

"Well I'm going to finish packing, I'll see you in a little bit."Gabby said as she reached out and hugged me.

"See you sis."

I watched Gabby walk out before going over my room one last time, making sure I had everything I needed. Once I was sure I was good, I left out my room and headed down to Chres's. He had been packing up himself, but I knew he should be done by now. I knocked on his door, waiting to hear his response.

"Come in."He called out. I pushed the door open, stepping in. I could see him in his closet, zipping up his suitcase. He was all packed up and ready to hit the road. The moment he seen it was me he smiled, stepping out his closet.

"Oh hey baby."He said as he kissed my lips, hovering over me.

"Hey."I said dryly since I was trying not to be the emotional person I wanted to be.

"You packed your stuff up yet?"He asked, snaking his arms around my waist. I just nodded my head leaning my head against his chest. I was really fighting against the damn tears. We stood there in silence for a few minutes before I found the tears building up in my eyes. It was a damn shame how in love I was with his ass. I truly was sad as hell that we were about to be separated. Even if it was only a few months, I was still sad.

"What you crying for boo?"Chres said with a grin as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. I guess he could hear my sniffles at this point.

"Because."I managed to get out as I wiped my tears.

"We're about to be away from each other for months."

"I know, but it's gone fly boo. Watch."Chres said as he kissed all over my face, wiping my tears.

"You don't gotta cry. You know I'm gone be texting and calling yo' ass every single morning and night. You hear me?"

I nodded my head, realizing I was being a damn baby. He was right, these little months were about to fly and I would be back with him in no time. I needed to just relax for once. I wasn't about to stress on anything on this tour. I wasn't about to be worried about Chres or stressing over anything else. I was about to enjoy my time with my girls, Jake, and our fans. That's all I should be worried about.

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