Chapter 66

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We were back on the road in no time. Back to killing each city we stepped in. Back to hitting that stage every other night. Back to the road life. It had came so quickly. We were damn near done with tour at this point and I hadn't even realized that. I was so busy on honestly taken in the moment. Trying to look at the positive things in life. My relationship being one of them.

Chres and I had been good. Scratch that, beyond good. All those petty arguments, attitudes, crazy ass talking, that all stopped. We were no longer at each other's head over bullshit and I was so thankful for that. That whole time we were on break from tour we were togethereach every day. We spent genuine time, talking for hours like we did when we first got together. I can honestly say that was the first time in a long time we were together and didn't argue. I mean not one argument came up and that was a blessing. I honestly felt so happy. Happy in my relationship. I was getting all I ever wanted out of a man. Loved unconditionally, respect, compassion and loyalty. least that's what I thought.

No matter how positive things were going for my relationship, I couldn't help to have that feeling in me. I swear around this time I could just feel it. Like all those other times I knew something bad was about to happen, I had that feeling now. I prayed and prayed to God that nothing would occur. That nothing would come up, but I strongly knew it would. I just never ever in my life expected what happened to happen. I never expected to get the news I got. That day sent my world crashing down so unexpectedly.

"We most definitely going on a girls trip the moment tour ends."Shi requested making the girls and I grin as we laid around in Gabby's room. We had got in from the show a little over a hour ago and was finally relaxing. As always it went amazing, but we all were drained.

"Yeah, we most definitely do. I want to go catch some sun on an island and drink margaritas for some days. We'll have the time to do that."Nae said making me nod and smile so hard hearing her. She was most definitely right on that.

With tour ending in just a few more weeks, we were finally done with everything. For the first time in a long time the girls and I were about to be free. I mean with absolutely nothing to do. We were about to get off tour, so that was out the way. We had finished recording our second album and was waiting for everything to fall into place with that. Of course we still had other business ventures, but management was handling all that at the time and we were free. I never felt so happy before in my life. Since signing that contract, things felt like they were nonstop. Don't get me wrong I was grateful for everything and wouldn't change a thing, but a bitch did need a break.

"So, when do you guys want to go?"Gabby questioned before stuffing popcorn in her mouth.

"Sis, I said the moment tour ends."Shi said with a serious face, letting us know she was dead ass. I didn't blame her either. That's exactly how I was feeling.

"Like, same day tour ends?"Nae asked, wanting to be crystal clear.

"Yes. why not? We've been putting in so much hard work, we need to go on vacay ASAP."Shi said and I had to agree with her on that. We had been working our asses off and deserved a good week of no stress or work out on an island, soaking up the sun and living our best lives.

"You're right on that. But where should we go?"I questioned as I looked over at the girls.

"...Cabo!"We all said in unison before busting out laughing. We were always on the same page, it's crazy. But I was definitely ready to go to Cabo. It had been years since we last went and I was ready to go back. We always had a good time in Cabo. A lot of our best memories are there and we were ready to make some new ones with Gabby this time.

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