Chapter 16

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It's funny how loves blinds you. It can be the most obvious things in the world sitting right in your face, but you wouldn't even take notice of any of it because your eyes is stuck on the one that has your heart. The one that you trusted so much. The one you loved so much. The one who made all those promises. The one you thought would never let you down. The moment that one seen he had you where he wanted you, he started to do everything he told you he wouldn't do, cutting you so deep you didn't think it was possible. I just wish so badly I realized all of this before my world started crumbling down. Before my heart was broken.

"Thank you South Carolina!"I yelled out, blowing kisses to the crowd as we ran off the stage.

Hearing that crowd still going as we ran off was enough to have me smiling from ear to ear. There we were wrapping up yet another show in yet another city. The energy alone had me on a high horse.

I patted my damped face with a towel, sipping my water the moment I stepped off stage. My eyes immediately spotted Zonnique and Rayan laughing it up. I don't know what they were laughing about, but it had to be funny because they were all up in each other's face. I had noticed that they were somewhat clicking back together again, but at that time I didn't think anything of it. That was my boyfriend, I was suppose to trust him right? I was suppose to believe him when he tells me nothing's going on right?

I sipped my water, making my way over to them.

"You did a good job baby."Ray stated, hugging me once I approached them. Their little laughter stopped the moment I stepped over there. They both were just looking at me.

"Thank you."I said hugging him back, laying my head on his chest. I looked up at Zonnique to see her smile had slightly fell as she stared at me for a moment. She went on her way not saying another word.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?"I asked Rayan, looking up at him.

"I should be, but I was back here watching your spoiled ass perform."He admitted, making me giggle.

"As you should."I said to him with a smile, kissing his cheek.

"Come on."He uttered, taking my hand and leading me towards the dressing rooms.

We walked right into their dressing room to see all the guys getting dressed. My eyes immediately fell onto Shi as her and Prod were so deep in conversation over in the corner. The sight alone had me smiling because they looked so cute. The way they were looking at each other you let you know that it was more than just a friendly conversation. I decided to just keep that to myself and take a seat.

"I'm sooo ready to go out tonight."Nae admitted with a smile as she stood in the guys mirror posing. She was completely feeling herself over there.

"Me too."I admitted with a grin.

That night the girls and I was hitting up a night club. That was the first time we went clubbing since we got on tour. I was just ready to enjoy myself with my girls.

"I'm acting bad tonight."I said with a smirk, while glaring over at Ray. I don't even know why I was lying. My ass was too whipped to even think about doing anything outside my relationship.

Ray gave me that look through the mirror as he fixed his shirt.

"Keep on, Danielle."Ray stated, making me smirk.

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