Chapter 34

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"Ask me if I care though."I said to Nae before stuffing my face with ice cream as I laid in bed.

"And you shouldn't care, this is your life not theirs."Nae responded.

"Bitch, you had everybody shook last night tho. You damn near snatched my edges, I didn't see that coming."She admitted making me laugh.

It was the very next day and I was so blessed and happy to be home. I woke up that morning feeling the best I had in months. I slept so good and I had truly enjoyed my night before. Like Nae said, everybody was shook that night. I mean everybody! From my peers to the fans to the blogs. Everybody was shocked to see Chres and I together.

There were a few people that was happy to see us together, but of course the bad outweighed the good. I was receiving so much hate and negativity that next day. I had to literally sign out of all those social media apps on my phone, that's how harsh and crazy it was. I didn't understand why I was receiving so much hate at first, until I started reading some of the things that were going around.

There was mainly two stories going around and I honestly didn't give two shits about them. There was this lie that I had cheated on Rayan with Chres. They said that's why Rayan got back with Zonnique. I don't even know who came up with that and I honestly paid it no mind. Then there was this other discussion how I broke up with Rayan and got with his best friend, Chres.

That discussion right there was honestly true. I did break up with Rayan...after he cheated on me. And yes, I did get with Chres. He just so happened to be his best friend. People were at my head because of this. Even if Chres wasn't Rayan's bestfriend, they still would've found some way to hate me.

I honestly truly did not give one fuck what anyone had to say about me or my relationship. They had no clue what they were talking about and they had no clue what was going on in my life. I was going to date who I want to date. I was going to do what I want to do. They were just throwing their two cents in and they honestly could've kept them. I didn't need it.

"I got to go bestie, your girl got to go enjoy this beautiful weather."Nae let out and I just knew she was smiling.

"I need to too, it's beautiful outside."I admitted, looking at the view ahead of me. It was honestly beautiful and I was so grateful to be back home.

"I'll talk to you later though, Nae."


I hung up, tossing my phone beside me. Being back home I really didn't know what to do. I wanted to go party and enjoy my city then I wanted to go shopping, but then I really just wanted to sleep all day. I was all over the place with what I wanted to do, but finally being free from tour and our album being released I could do whatever I wanted to do.

I climbed out of bed, heading downstairs. I could hear my mama and Ny out back at the pool so that's where I went. I held a smile on my face as I walked throughout the house. That's when I spotted Bronxie.

"Hi my Bronxie baby, mommy missed you so much."I admitted with the biggest smile as I picked her up by the padeo door. She immediately started to bark seeing me. She looked so cute dressed in her little shortset my mom got her. I've honestly missed Bronxie more than anyone can imagine.

"Let's go see what GG and Ny up to."I said to her, carrying her out back.

I found my mama and Ny both in the pool looking cute as ever. Ny was on the steps posing in her cute swimsuit as my mom took pics of her.

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