Chapter 42

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"Slow down, Ny!"I called to her watching as she drove her toy car with Bronx chasing it.

"Okay!"She said giggling watching as Bronx barked at her.

I shook my head, laying back in the beach chair as the sun beamed down on me. I closed my eyes letting the sun cover my body, trying to finally catch a tan. It was already well past a week and I still had Ny. I honestly was enjoying having her for all that time, but the reason I did because I wasn't ready to confront my parents. I knew once I took Nya home I would have to address the issue and I lowkey was trying to spare my feelings and dodge reality.

With the whole Gabrielle thing I knew I had to address it. I couldn't just let it go. It was too big for me to just let it go and act like it was nothing. But would I can admit is I was scared. Scared to know the truth.

I smiled to myself feeling Chres's lips press against my stomach, up my chest and face. Feeling that man's touch was the best feeling ever. I was so glad I was back good with my man. Lord knows.

"Hey babe, what are you doing here?"I asked opening my eyes as I sat up in the chair.

"I live here don't I?"He said with a smirk as he sat in the chair beside me.

"Such a smartass, I'm just saying you've been gone a lot these past days. I'm surprised to see you here."I said crossing my arms and thinking about all that crazy shit he was saying when he was mad at me.

"You was talking all that shit about AOD and bitches, it was taking everything in me not to knock your head off your shoulders."I said squinting my eyes at him and making him laugh. I was so serrious though. Chres honestly did not know how bad I wanted to whoop his ass. I felt like he was trying me.

"You pissed me off. I didn't know if I was single or not the way you were playing shit."Chres said. He was most definitely playing shit like he was single.

"Well you're not a single man, so don't be out here trying to do single shit. I swear I'll fuck you up, Chres."I warned him making him bust out laughing.

"You crazy man."He said shaking his head.

"I'm serious, what were you even doing? You most definite wasn't here."I said glaring over at him. For some reason I felt like I had to ask that question. While Chres and I was into it, he was never home. I mean never.

"I wasn't cheating on you Dani, if that's what you getting at."He said letting out a breath.

"I'm just saying, I don't know where you was at. You wasn't here and you were steady talking about parties and women, I just felt I needed to ask that."

"Well, I didn't cheat on you Dani, I never will."He told me with a serious face expression as he stared in my eyes.

The lies. He hadn't cheated on me, YET.

My phone vibrated, making me pick it up. I looked to see it was my mama texting me. For the first time in my entire life I got this feeling just seeing that text. It wasn't a good feeling either. I actually felt sick to my stomach for some reason. I guess because I knew they were hiding something and that something wasn't anything small. It honestly was unbelievable coming from my mama. I never expected that from her.

I read her text to see she was telling me I needed to bring Nya home that next day because she had to start filming for a commercial. I just texted her back a simple okay which was so crazy. If you knew me, you knew I loved talking to my mom. I love texting her all day and keeping a conversation going with her, but for some reason that day I didn't feel that urge to do so.

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