Chapter 18

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"Hello!? Earth to Dani!"Nae called out loudly infront of me as we were in the gym.

I snapped out of it, trying to bring myself back here. My mind was so caught up on the bullshit. Here I was letting it effect my work life. Something I said I would never let happen.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say?"I stated, scratching my head as I stood there lost.

"I was just asking you if you were alright, you look lost sis."Nae said with her hands on her hips while looking at me. I sighed because I was a tad bit lost.

That past week had been stressful for me and I honestly was over it. I hadn't talked to Rayan since that incident went down. I just couldn't believe he lied. Obviously he was out doing something wrong because he wouldn't have lied to me over it. I just had no clue what he had done and that immediately had my heart throbbing.

"My mind is just everywhere."I stated honestly.

"Well, you'll be able to get it together later at the spa."Nae said with a grin causing me to smile. We were having a girls day at the spa and I was excited. I needed that time to free my mind and ease myself. I was stressed and I really didn't like it.

After a hour more in the gym the girls and I headed back to our hotel rooms. I kicked my door closed, snatching my gelato out the fridge and heading straight to my bed. I know I shouldn't be eating this after putting all that work in the gym, but your girl needed it.

I turned the tv to Love & Hip Hop Atlanta as I started stuffing my face with the sea salted caramel gelato. It was the scene when Tommie was going off on her mama. Even though it was wrong, I couldn't help to laugh. They both looked heated. Just thinking about mamas made me immediately grab my phone and call my mama. I missed her and I hadn't talked one on one with her in a while. I needed more than anything to hear her voice at the moment.

"Hey baby."My mama said immediately, making me grin.

"Hey mama."I said with a smile as I sat up in the bed, pulling the gelato in my lap.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too baby, what are you up to?"

"I just got back in from the gym with the girls. Now I'm sitting here watching tv. Where's Ny at?"

"She's upstairs knocked out."My mama admitted.

"But what's wrong with my baby, why you sounding so sad?"She questioned. It's crazy how my mama knew me. Even if I tried to hide it, she would still notice it.

"Just boy trouble."I admitted, before sighing. That's exactly what Rayan was, a boy.

"Oh lord, what has he done? Do I need to make a trip just to beat his ass?"

"No mama, it's not that crazy."I said before laughing.

"He just lies over the littlest things. Like, the other night we were suppose to go out. He stood me up and told me he fell asleep. Then he said he'll make it up to me and take me out. Only for him to turn around, stand me up again, and lie, saying he had a fitting."

"Really?"My mama questioned sounding shocked.

"Yes mama."I said sighing.

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