Chapter 17

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I sighed, hearing my alarm go off. I reached over, pressing the warm covers to my naked body as I turned the alarm off. Here it was, a fresh new day and we was heading to another city. I was excited, but I wasn't showing it because I was tired as hell. Last night wore me out.

I slipped on my silk robe, hearing the sound of the bathroom door open. When I looked up I noticed Rayan come out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What are you still doing here?"I asked, pulling my hair into a messy bun. I honestly thought he was gone.

"What you mean what I'm still doing here? What you got somebody coming through?"He asked as he sat on the bed to put on his socks.

"I just might."I said with a smirk, tossing my phone on the bed.

"Don't play with me."He stated, pulling me to him by my waist. I grinned feeling his arms slip around my waist before he gripped my ass, kissing me at the same time. He tongue softly ran down my neck before he sucked on it, making sure he still had me in his grip. I bit down on my lip as his lips continued to travel my body, making me forget everything I was about to do. Just the night before I was so pissed at him. Now look, he stayed the night in my hotel room.

"You want to say that again?"He said bringing his face back to mine. I didn't say a word. I just stared at him seductively as the scenes from last night replayed in my head.

"Like I thought."Ray said with a smirk before standing from the bed.

"I can not stand you."I said as I made my way to my luggage to get my clothes out.

"Not what you was saying last night."Ray said confidently as he put on his shirt. I just rolled my eyes, pulling out everything I needed. I didn't even have a come back.

"I'm about to go get my shit together."He stated, bending down to kiss my forehead.

I nodded my head, walking him to the door. Once he was gone, I quickly hopped in the shower to clean myself. Even though my things were all packed up, I still needed to hurry. Lord knows it takes forever for me to get ready.

The whole time I was getting myself together, I just thought heavily. I was low key happy Rayan had left out because I needed to think. Him being in my presence was not helping at all. My mind was all twisted. I didn't care if he did come through that night and supplied me with sex, I was still upset with him about how he stood me up. I didn't really have much time to think on it because he came in and I allowed him to use his sex appeal on me, making me forget what I was even upset over. I just want him to know I really didn't like that and it can't happen again.

Once I was done with my hygiene routine, I slipped on my clothes, gathering my bags and heading straight down to the lobby. Surprisingly I was one of the first down. Usually I would always be the last one and everyone hates that. No one had anything to say that day because I was early.

"Hey bestie."I said with grin, wrapping my arms around him once I reached him.

"What's up Dee."Jake said, rocking us side to side as we hugged. Despite how my night started off, I really enjoyed myself. As always my best friend came through and made sure I enjoyed myself. I really had a good time with him that night.

"How you sleep?"

"Alright I guess."I said with a shrug.

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