Chapter 62

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"I miss you so much boo. I don't know what to do without your ass."

I couldn't help to blush, listening to Chres on FaceTime like I had been doing for the past month and a half of tour. It was crazy how this tour had flew and I had managed to make it through without Chres. I honestly thought I would've lost it, but I didn't. We were half way through with tour and I was about to be back to his insecure ass in no time.

With tour wrapping up so quickly I honestly didn't want it to. That was the first tour I had ever went on and had that much fun. Literally every single day that passed I enjoyed myself. There wasn't one day I wasn't laughing or smiling and I loved that. I was enjoying my girls and Jake and I had even got close with the few others that were on tour with us. So, I truthfully was just taking every moment in, not wanting to rush.

"How was the show last night?"I asked Chres before stuffing my mouth with almonds.

Since tour started Chres and I would FaceTime each other every morning and end our night with a FaceTime. If we had time in between our busy schedules we would talk to one another, but we wasn't smothering each other like we usually would. We had no time to and I thought that was great. We hadn't been arguing or bickering, we had no room to be doing that anyways. I honestly thought this tour was a blessing. I feel like it gave Chres and I the space we needed so when we got back to each other everything would be much better. We wouldn't be on the same childish bullshit.

"It was straight as always. Them muthafuckas threw all that damn water on us and you know I wasn't feeling that shit."Chres said making me laugh.

I had seen some videos from the guys show that night before. As the guys were performing a few people that had joined them on tour ran out on stage, drowning them in water. The guys were so taken back by that. They each looked surprised and taken back. While the rest of the guys laughed it off, Chres was not here for it. He looked like he was ready to whoop each of their ass.

"You looked good though baby."I said with a grin making him smack his lips.

"Good my ass. I had my phone on me."He admitted.

"Well, why would you have your phone on you?"I questioned since he was performing.

"Incase you called, I didn't want to miss it."He said making me immediately blush hearing him.

"You so cute babe."I said as I continued to grin, looking at him through that phone. I can't even front, I hated that so much. That talking on the phone and communicating through text messages. It was the worst. I wanted to talk to him in person and hold him in my arms. Being away from Chres for that long of course had me missing him like hell. When tour first started I honestly really wasn't missing him. It's like, we spent each and everyday with each other before that, I didn't really have room to miss him, but now a month and a half in I was ready to see my man.

"I miss you so much babe. I can't wait to see you."I said with a pout, making him let out a breath.

"Two more weeks baby."He said with a grin, showing off his perfect teeth.

"Two more weeks."I said as well with a smile. Both the guys and us were taking these mini breaks in between our tours. We both were in the middle of tour and management felt it would be great for us to take our breaks together. We had a few days off from tour in a few weeks and was flying back home.

"Just be prepared for what I'm gone send yo' ass through."He said biting down on his lip, making me blush. I already knew what he was talking about and my horny ass was beyond ready.

"I'm always ready baby."I admitted biting down on my lip as well. My hormones were raging at this point as well. I was literally counting down the days for Chres to bust me down.

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