Chapter-2 ~Jennica Springer Is My Idol!

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"Mom, please, please, please. I'll never ask you for anything else in my life if I can have this Teen Magazine." My mom sighs. "Put it in the cart. " I squeal and carefully toss it in. It was a limited edition magazine of my favorite music artist, Jennica Springer.

I was so excited I had got the last copy. After my mom finished her shopping we went to the checkout. Before the cashier could put the magazine in the bag I pipes up. "No, I'll carry it out." I carry the magazine to my chest as we walk out. "I don't understand why you like her so much. She's a bad influence on all teenage girls."

I roll my eyes at my mom from the back seat. She doesn't understand. Her songs just make you think about life. I read the first Article about Jennica. It's mostly facts that all of her fans know but I never get tired of reading them.

Name:Jennica Lilly Springer. 

Date of Birth: August 27th 1994. 

Hometown:New Hillgrove, Massachusetts.  

Nationality:Mixed...Guess I'm a mutt haha. 

Favorite food: Anything I didn't cook! Really I can't cook to save my life. 

Favorite past time: Writing songs. Playing on my guitar and sleeping. Gotta love sleep! 

Celebrity Crush: Um, if I tell you, then I have to kill you...Ha! 

Favorite music: One Direction...Yes I am a Directioner deal with it... 

Favorite color: lime green and gold.

Jennica Springer isn't a stranger to the spot light. Once famous mother rock star Delilah Wilson was a hit back on the early '80's.  

Her most famous song was Black Lip stick. It was rumored that she had a secret relationship with her drummer Ethan Springer. She was soon pregnant and her fame was history. In earlier interviews Jennica had this to say. "The last memory of my mom wasn't very good. And my dad passed away when I was about four so I don't know much about him..."

Jennica never let her past stop her from getting the fame she has today. Many know that Jennica was discovered on YouTube by millions. Her soulful song makes many fans go wild, Crowning themselves as Little Dreamers. Since that was Jennica's debut song. But this wild child has made a name for herself as America's not so sweetheart... 

I sigh. I wish I could meet her one day.  

I then hear the radio. 

"Live on 104.5 we have the soulful sensation Jennica Springer. Say hello to Connecticut Jennica."

"Hello Connecticut! I'm so excited to be here." I jump up to the front and turn up the radio causing my mom to send me a death glare. But I don't care. This is freaking Jennica Springer on the radio! "So Jennica there's been a rumor going around that you hooking up with Taylor Lautner. Is that true?" Oh boy, more gossip. "Nah, Taylor and I are just good friends. I'm still single."  

"Is there any guy out there who catches the eye of Jennica Spinger?" I listen up closely. Jennica has kept her crush a secret since she debuted. All I and other fans know is the guy she likes is in the music biz. "Well I can't say it on the air he might be listening..." I groan. Come on Jennica your fans want to know!! "Awe not even a little hint?"  

"Okay I guess I'll give a clue. He's kind of beautiful to me." Awe. She really likes this guy... "Oh Jennica please tell us the name of your beautiful man." Jennica chuckles. "Lets talk about my new album and let my Social life cool on the back burner Jordan." Jordan sighs. He's notorious for getting celebs to spill there dirty secrets. "So this is your sophomore Album. And I'm hearing your going to write all the songs yourself." 

"Oh yeah. In fact the snippet of my first song is something I want to sing to you." What!! She's gonna sing live on the radio?! I have to hear this. I reach over and my mom swats my hand away. "Not while I'm driving young lady." Ugh parents. "That's awesome what's it called?" Jennica chuckles. "Hello Delilah. It's sort of a dedication for my mom. I wrote this when I thought about her. It's not a good song about her but its not bad." I pause. "Okay sing a snippet for us." 

Jennica takes a deep voice and sings.. 

"Hello Delilah, can you hear me now? Are you in the crowd rockin' out.... Hello Delilah, can you see me now? Bright lights and fame, their calling my name. Hello Delilah, where are you now? I'm looking for you, I need you now... Good bye Delilah, you've missed your chance. Don't need you now. I got my fans..."  

I was silent... "Wow Jennica that was deep...can you sing the rest of the song for us?" Please sing the rest!! "Sorry management would kill me if I did that. But I'm glad you liked the snippet. No worries little Dreamers this album will be out later on next year it's going to be called Hold On Tight." Awe man later on next year!? I had Jennica's first album on my iPod every day faithfully. "So any guest singers on this album Jennica?"  

"It's still in the works but I would love to have Christina Aguilera, Usher, Justin Beiber, and even One Direction on it." I love that she's a Directioner. There are so many fan fics of her and each boy. But mostly with Harry...hmm I wonder.

"So you're a One Direction fan? Any favorite member?" Please say Harry, please say Harry! "I actually like all of the boys equally. And want to work with them." Ugh! "Well Jennica I know you have a busy schedule so let me say this one last thing..." Here is comes my favorite quote from her. " Now is it true that America has dubbed you America's sweet heart?" Wait for it... "I'm not American's sweet heart. Because my heart just ain't sweet, America!!!"

Oh Jennica...I can't wait for your next album...


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