Chapter-23 ~Delilah Wilson...I Am The Lilly Of Her Eye...

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"Mom?" She backed away from the counter. "Sorry you have the wrong person." She then runs out. "Mom!" I move and run from behind the counter. She's not getting away this time. I run after her. "Jennica!" I hear Harry but I don't turn around. "Mom! Wait I just want to talk to you!" She tries to run through cars but I match her speed.

She runs into an alley way and I have her cornered. "Mom..." She looks at me with those bright grey eyes. I raise my hands. "Mom I just want to talk." She looks at me and I see the tears. "No, Jennica I am a terrible person." I step to her. "But you're still my mom...can we please just talk?" She looks at me and walks to me. "Come on." She motions me to walk with her.

We walk to a little coffee shop and sit at a booth. She was quiet. I was quiet. This question was eating away at me. "Why didn't you want me?" Mom looked at me as if I just slapped her. She reaches over the table and I flinch a little. She pulls back. "Jennica...I...I never wanted to leave you at that hospital."  

She looks off into space. "I was told at a early age that I wasn't suppose to have children. So when me and your father had got together I was freaking out on how I woke up for a month puking. But then I took the pregnancy test, only because Ethan told me to."

She smiles to herself. I don't speak. I want to hear this. "The test came back positive. I was so happy. I literally went out and bought pampers. Your dad was happy too. I didn't go out and party any more. I became more of an adult and less of this crazy rock star. The day we found out we were having a girl your dad immediately banned you from dating until you were 100." We laugh at that and she holds my hand. 

"When I had you, God you were so small. Three pounds and six ounces. I thought the doctors were going to keep you in the hospital forever. I remember every night I would sneak out of my hospital room and go watch you sleep. You had little sandy brown curls. Your little nose looked like mine. And when you would look at me. Your eyes were so blue. Just like your fathers....

I had noticed Ethan coughing a lot and taking too much medication. But he never wanted to talk about it. Because you were the most important thing to us. When you turned three you started to act like your dad. Very caring. Very loving towards everyone. You once saw a baby bird jump but fell. The mother had caught it before it fell to the ground. You looked right at me and asked why can't the bird fly away. I looked at you and said. Because they have to fall before they can fly." I look at my tattoo and see my mom run her finger over it.  

"When...when your dad died. I felt like I lost my other half and when I looked at looked so much like him. Jennica. Please know that I never meant any of those things I said at the hospital. Ricki had threatened me, he told me that if I didn't leave you there that he would kill you in your sleep and make me watch."

I see the tears roll down her cheek. I get up and sit next to her. I hold her and she pulls me into a tight hug. "When I saw Ricki beating you, oh God and when you had stopped breathing I lost it. Ricki and I fought the whole time you were in the hospital. And he almost killed me. He knocked my tooth out. He almost slit my throat. Then he, made me tell you all those disgusting things. Jennica, I was such a bad mother having you around him. I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry."

My mom broke down and she held me as if I would disappear. "Mom, I forgive you. I know you were sad because dad was gone. And I never once hated you. Every night I would lay in bed thinking about you. Wondering why you didn't want me? And just wishing for the day to come that me and you would meet again." I wipe her tears away and she smiles.

 "You know, I've watched all of your videos on YouTube. You sound so much like me." I smile. "Really?" She nods. "And I bought your first album. I'm so proud of you Lilly. You make me so proud." My heart swelled hearing that. "Thanks mom." It was my turn to cry. "Mom?" She wipes my tears away. "Yes Lilly." I'm her little Lilly. "I love you, and just please don't ever leave me again." She chokes out a giggle. "See just like your father. So quick to forgive even though I don't deserve it." We get up and walk out of the coffee shop.  

Hello Delilah... ~A Harry Styles Fan-Fic~Where stories live. Discover now