Chapter-11 ~I'm Just The Underdog Who Finally Got The Guy...

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My head rested on Matthews as I watched the casket being lowered. "Come on Jennybenny. Lets get you back home." I didn't want to walk away but I knew I had to. The boys has came with me to show their respects. I told them they didn't have to but they said they wanted to. When we came back to the house I went straight to my room and just laid on my bed. I heard a knock.

"Come in..." Harry had popped in and I sat up. He came over and sat with me on the bed and just held my hand. "I should have came home when I heard him cough. I should have questioned when I saw him getting thinner and thinner. I...I should have spent time with him when he was going through chemo and his hair was falling out..."

I felt the tears fall on my lap. Harry had used his thumb to wipe away my tear. "He's in a better place Jennica. And you heard what your dad said. Henry left peacefully." I nod and lean on Harry's shoulder. We sat there in silence for a while. "I do have to say one thing." I look up at Harry. "What?" 

"I'm jealous, you have all these posters of us and I'm sure the poster me has seen you naked a dozen of times." I roll my eyes and giggle. "Harry you pervert." I take my pillow and throw it at him. I look and see a letter where my pillow was. I pick it up and look at the writing. 

To Jennybenny... 

I open it and read the letter. 

Dear Jennybenny,  

I can't believe I'm writing this. I wanted to say all of these things at your wedding, but as we both know that if your reading this I'm already gone. First off I love you Jennybenny. And you make me and Matthew proud every time we see you out on stage living your dream. To think you didn't use to smile. You didn't like big crowds. You would shut everyone out and try to fight the world. But you let me and Matthew in your world. It wasn't easy. Remember when you punched a hole in the wall? When I asked you why? You said because you felt like it. I encouraged you to channel that anger into music. Now look at you! Making those dreams come true. I don't want you to be sad. I want you to be happy and live that life you deserve. Be the woman I know we will be proud to call our daughter. And Jennica...I seen your twitcams with the boys. Harry always looks at you with loving eyes. I approve of him. And hope you two have a beautiful future.. I'm trying not to cry as I write this letter but you know how emotional I can get. :) again I love you Jennica Lilly Spinger-Davis. Thank you for coming in my life. XOXO 

I held the letter to my chest and closes my eyes. "I love you too Henry Davis..."

We were back on the road and I was still a little sad. I went on twitter as saw some of the most wonderful tweets. 

[@LoveMeDreamer: Jennica I'm praying for you! @Jennica_LittleDreamer] 

I look and see another sweet one.

[@OfficialDreamer: OMG your show made me cry #LoveyouJennica<3 @Jennica_LittleDreamer]

Jennica we love you was trending and I had a small smile on my face. "Hey Jennica, wanna play a game?" I look up at Louis. I was tempted to say no but Henry would want me to have fun. "Sure. What are we playing?" Louis held out his hand to me and I took it. "Just an innocent game...of spin the bottle."

Why do I feel like I am been set up?

"But I'm the only girl. What if you guys spin on each other?" Louis sits me down at the table with the rest of the boys. "Don't worry we know what to do. Now who's first?" I looked around and Niall's hand shot up. "I'll go just so I can get it over with."

He spins the glass bottle as we wait to see who has to kiss him. The bottle lands on Liam. I smirk and see what they were planning. The bus hits a bump and the bottle shook and was now pointing at me. "Oh yeah! I get to kiss the girl!" I laugh and lean over the table. I kind of wanted my first to be with Harry but... 

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