Chapter-8 ~Football With One Direction...Bring it!!

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I was on twitter laughing at the crazy shipping going on. They were all creative but my favorite was from this fan. 

[@IWOULDRATHERBEWERID: If you mix little dreamers and directioners Then you get little DD's] I retweeted it and mentioned Louis. He replied. 

[@Louis_Tomlinson: Yes! We are now little DD's @Jennica_LittleDreamer :D

I laugh at that and look at the time. It was after midnight and Harry still hasn't called me. Keep cool Jenn. He's just busy. Maybe he fell asleep. Since my laptop was fully charged I decided to do my favorite pass time. 

[@Jennica_LittleDreamer: Well little DD's you know what time it is! Click my link!]


I should call play it cool Harry. I had my thumb over the call button. What if she's sleep? I hear Louis and Liam so I go peek to see what they are doing. Louis smirks at me while he's eating an apple. "Come look at the Future Mrs. Styles Harry."  

"We're just friends Louis." I walk over and see her on the computer. She was wearing a tight T shirt and sweats while her wild curly hair was around her shoulders. "Hey Little dreamers! I will use the new ship name when I have the boys on the next twitcam. But lets see what you guys have to ask me. Oh Mia from Massachusetts. My state shouts out to Mass. Any way she asked. Jennica are you a cat person or a dog person? I love animals period but I do love a cute little kitty. I think after promoting and touring I am going to buy a cute little kitten."

Louis and Liam both look at me. "Look your future wife likes cats too Harry." I roll my eyes and pull up a chair and keep watching. "Random thought but since we are on the animal subject. Would it be weird to buy a baby pig and name him Bacon?" I couldn't help but laugh at her serious face when she asked that question. She's...random too.

"Okay next question is from Molly who lives in New Jersey. She asked, Jennica what is your shoe size? Your feet look so tiny. Haha. Well I think I said this before in an interview. But I'm a size five in girls. I know small feet. Thanks genetics!" She looks at one question and blushes.

"Okay xoBooBearHazza from Mississippi, Cute name by the way has this to say. She says, Hey Jennica how is your band with Harry and Of course the other boys? Haha cute question. The boys and I are good and as far as Harry...well he's cute I mean fine." She blushes and covers her face with her curls.

I see Liam typing and chuckling. "Hey Buzzlightyeardude from U.K says, you should call a celebrity. Okay but I think they might curse me out. Wait I know who to call. Lets hope he's awake." I see her get up and grab her phone. She dialed and has it to her ear. I feel my hand vibrate.

And see her name pop up. "You named her Curly Fries?" Louis starts laughing and claps his hands. "Shh!" I pick up the phone and answer. "Hello Jennica." We watched her on twitcam as she bit her lip. I want to bite that lip. "I didn't wake you did I? Hey guys I'm talking to Harry Styles." She says in a whisper.

"No you didn't. In fact I'm watching you on twitcam with Liam and Louis." Her eyes went wide and she laughed. "Please tell me you didn't hear all of my answers?" She moves her curly hair and blows air out of her cheeks. "I did. So you think I'm cute?"

She smiles at the screen. "Hi Liam, hi Louis! Hey guys type some things and I'll ask the boys." She reads the screen and laughs. "ZoexxMixer just wrote ahhhh. Guys I think she just died." All of us laugh. I get up and walk out of the room. "Jennica why don't you get off of twitcam and we just talk?" I hear her move.

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