Chapter-21 ~In Comes Lillie Prescott!!

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"Lillie don't worry about it. I promise that you're going to love London..." I sigh. "Alright Jennybenny but I'm only coming to see you, meet the boys, and get Niall's number." Niall Horan. To me he was the perfect example of a man. His blue eyes. That Irish accent.

And don't get me started on his body! I was sitting on the plane between an old smelly guy and a woman who just wouldn't shut the hell up about her cats. I pop in my head phones and try to catch a few Z's. Niall was only a few hours away. And since Jennybenny got Harry. I figured what the hay I can get Niall. Does he like girls with purple hair? I open one eye and look at my short purple and light blonde hair. Oh well he's gonna like it or like it or love it.... 


I was off the plane and lugging around my carry on. "Lillie!" I turn and see my curly Q Jennybenny. "Jennica!" We run to each other and I hug her. "Oh my God! You're a woman! Like I can't even call you Jennybenny anymore...who am I kidding I'm always going to call you Jennybenny!" Jennica rolls her eyes and takes my hand.

"I want you to meet some of the boys. And more friends stopped by. The groups name is 5sos." I freeze. "Wait? Did you say 5sos?" She nods and I feel nervous. I'm Lillie Madison Prescott. I shouldn't be nervous.

But what Jennica doesn't know is that I am like in love with Michael Clifford. Sure he looks kind of weird but he was the type of guy I could really like...fall for. Don't get me wrong Niall was my crush. But Michael was soul mate. Does that even make sense? 

Jennica and I had left through the back so no fans would smother us and I met up with Monica. "Hey Mon. How's life treating you?" She hugs me. "Life is going pretty good. And it's about to get more crazy since you're here." I give a sneaky grin. "What? I have no clue what you're talking about Mon. I am an angel." 

"Yeah an angel from hell." Jennica mutters with a smirk. "Don't make me kiss you on the cheek woman." She frowns and scoots away from me in the car. I scoot closer to her. She flinches and I pull her into a hug. "Gimme kiss!" I lick her cheek and she groans. "Ew! Lillie! I'm gonna kick your ass!" Oh my Jennybenny.... 


Lillie brought a little bit of the old me out at times. But only the crazy. I remember when I first met her... 


I was only twelve at the time and I was starting to do better with Henry and Matthew. They told me to go play outside with some kids and I agreed. But if they touch me I would beat them. I went outside and none of the kids would even step to me. Guess I'll be the lone wolf again. I had some chalk and was drawing circles on the ground. "Your hair is crazy curly." I look up and see a skinny girl with light blonde hair wearing a purple beanie. I say nothing to her.

"Hey! Can I play with you? No one wants to be my friend because they think I'm loud! Am I loud!" Will she shut up! I look at her. "You are loud." She smirks at me and lean closer. I flinch. "I'm sorry did I scare you?" I take deep breathes.

Don't touch me.

She sits down and smiles at my circles. "That is the most perfect circle I have seen in my life." I frown. "They look like shit." I say blankly. She laughs. "You're right they do look like shit!" She laughed even harder and I couldn't help but laugh with her. "I'm Lillie Madison Prescott. What's your name?"  

"I'm Jennica Lilly Springer." Her eyes went wide. "Is your middle name spelled Lilly or Lillie?" I give her a weird look. "It's spelled Lilly. Why?" She smiled widely at me. "Then we can be Lilly and Lillie. Best of friends. Unless you have a best friend." She looks down sadly and I hand her my chalk.

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