Chapter-4 ~Images...Images...Images, Can't I Just Be Myself?

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My twitcam was pretty good. Some of the comments and questions where about the rumors.

Are you pregnant by Justin Beiber?

You shouldn't smoke it's not good for you.

Is it true you're in a cult?

Where do people come up with this stuff? I get off of my bed and walk out on my balcony. "I wonder if you're out there mom..." I hear my ringtone, which was DNA from Little Mix.

"Yes Dad." Henry was always calling me at this time of night to be sure I took my medication. "Hey Jennybenny. I saw you on tv a few hours ago. You looked gorgeous." I smile. I loved my dad. Both of them. "Thanks Dad. So I'm sure you called for other reasons like to check up to see that I took that nasty pill." I make a gag face.

"You know the doctors said you need to take it. I know it doesn't taste good but it's to help you sleep." I sigh knowing he's right. "Okay I'll take it now. Night dad, love you and tell Matthew I said night and I love him to." We hung up and I go to the bathroom to take the dreadful pill. I get a bottle of water I bought earlier and tap out one pill into my hand. Here goes nothing... 

I lay in my bed feeling the pill kick in. My body relaxes a bit and I slowly drift off.

"RICKI! Stop don't hit her anymore...she's not breathing..."

I wake up in a cold sweat. No not again. I hold my head and cry. There was a knock at my door and then Monica came rushing in. I was now curled into a ball at the foot of my bed. "Jennica. Jennica it was just a dream." I keep rocking back and forth crying. Monica reaches for me and pulls me into her lap and brushes my hair back.

"Shhh, it's okay I'm here." I calm down a little but keep rocking. "That's right you're safe." I just laid there now. " was the same dream. He hits me...and my mom was begging him to stop..."

Monica was the only person I could trust other than my dads, with my dark secret. She was sort of the mother figure to me. Always looking out for me. Always there to chase away those dark shadows I call my past. "Jennica, do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?"  

"Can you please? I mean its ridiculous I'm about to be nineteen years old and still need someone to look after me." She helps me to my bed. "It's not ridiculous. What happened to you when you were in your mothers care should never happen to anyone."

I shiver at the thoughts of his fist coming to my face. "Monica, am I weak?" She looks over at me. "No, you're one of the strongest people I know. And that says something because your also the youngest person I know." I take a piece of my curly hair and hum Hello Delilah until I fall back to sleep. 

The next morning I was in hair and make-up. I had to almost snap at Sean-Paul so he wouldn't try to straighten my hair. "But darling you need this mop tamed."  

"I said no. I want it curly today. And that's final." He sighed and threw his hands on the air. "Fine madam. If you insist." He goes to do my make up and I move my face. "Why are you being so stubborn Jennica? You always would just sit in my chair and let me work my magic on you."

That's the problem I don't want to just sit there like a puppet and get slathered in make-up. "I just want a more natural beauty. You always tell me I'm such a pretty girl, and I want to show that to the fans." He crosses his arms. "Okay, but you are getting cover up on those bags."

I shrug and let him at least do that. I see my clothes my stylist had for me. I get nervous. It's a backless dress. "Cheri I can't wear this." Cheri comes over and pats my shoulder. "Oh Jenn come on its harmless plus it shows off your lovely legs." No I don't want to wear this. "Cheri, Jennica said she can't wear it so change it." 

Hello Delilah... ~A Harry Styles Fan-Fic~Where stories live. Discover now