Chapter-9 ~Touring With One Direction...Oh Boy...

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"And who beat your butts?" I say with a grin. "You did.." Harry muttered. "Got that right now for my prize I want you guys to admit girls are better at a mans sport like American football." Harry, Louis and Liam sigh. I pull out my phone to record. "Come on let's hear you says it." Niall said with a grin. "Girls are better..." Harry suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. He then planted a kiss on my cheek. "There that suits a champion." I did what any fan girl of Harry Styles did. 

I fainted...

After waking up with the boys all around surrounding me Louis helps me up. "You were suppose to take the phone Harry not make her faint." Louis hissed at him. "She's feeling better. Lets go to Nando's!!" I laugh at Niall. "Lets go!" I hop on his back and we run.

I look and see Harry glaring. "Hold on Niall." I hop off and jog back to Harry. "Wanna give me a lift to the van?" He doesn't look at me at first. And I feel like I really hurt his feeling. I go to walk away but he slides his hand in mine. "I'll give you a piggy back ride when we get back to the studio." I smile at that and walk with him. I see Louis run past us laughing. I frown but feel my phone vibrate. I look and see a tweet from Louis. I check it out. 

[@Louis_Tomlinson: Awe love is in the air<3] There was a picture of us holding hands.  

"Louis! Get back here!" I let go of Harry's hand and take off after him. 

Nando's hit the spot. My favorite was the peri peri sauce on the chicken. I sit between Harry and Zayn as Niall tries to convince Liam that desert before dinner was acceptable. I feel Harry's hand on my knee and I almost jump. He smirks and keeps having his conversation with Louis. "So Zayn how's Perrie?" He takes a drink of his water. "She's doing good. She says she wants to meet you soon. Her and the rest of her band mates." Cool! I nod and feel my phone vibrate. I get a text from Harry. 

*Can we talk later?* 

I feel kind of nervous. I hope this isn't about the scar... I reply back.  


I feel his hand slide up further and my eyes go wide. "I'll be right back! I need to freshen up." I get up and speed walk to the bathroom. I splash a little bit of water on my face. Ok Jennica you got this. If he asks just tell him. He'll either accept you or never talk to you... 

I knew I didn't want to stop talking to him... I walk out of the bathroom and bump into Harry. Here it comes. "Jennica I um, wanted to ask you that since we're going on tour together do you think, that we could sing Hold on tight as the first song?" Phew...

"That would be perfect. We can practice on our duet for the climax of the song." Harry and I look into each others eyes and I get the strange urge to just kiss him. No Jenn Harry is your friend. But I can dream right? "Hey..." We jump and turn around seeing Zayn walking over to us. "Paul's here with Monica." I feel my shoulders sink sadly. I don't want to go yet. "Don't worry we'll be on the same tour bus." Harry says as he winks at me...


"No Harry Jennica is going to have her own tour bus." I felt defeated. I wanted to hang out with Jennica during the tour. It's been three days and I haven't seen her. Her teams has been setting things up for her as she gets ready to tour with us. I would often call her after her twitcams. I just...couldn't stop thinking about her. "Poor Harry your wife can't be on the same tour bus with us." Louis said as he puts his arm on my shoulder. I roll my eyes and as we head out on the tour bus.

We get inside. "Hey guys!" I look up and see Jennica sitting on the couch reading a magazine. "Jennica what are you doing on our bus?" She smiles. "I got my management to let me ride with you guys. I didn't want them to spend a junk load of money on one tour bus for little old me. So here I am." She gets up and gives me a hug. I inhaled her scent.

Hello Delilah... ~A Harry Styles Fan-Fic~Where stories live. Discover now