Chapter-19 ~ Tattoos, And Photos...They Create New Memories

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"I want to do this. I mean your more experienced with this sort of thing than me." I smirk at a nervous Jennica as we head into the tattoo parlor. "Are you sure?" She nods and starts to look around. I feel kind if giddy seeing her get a tattoo. I might even get another one. "This one looks pretty." She points to the feather tattoo with birds breaking away from it.

My old mate Peter comes by. "So the young lady wants this one? And where would you like this today?" Jennica bites her lip in thought. "My wrist. And I want a saying on it." I see her smile to herself. "I want it to say. Sometimes you gotta fall before you can fly." Peter nods and she follows him to the back. She looked nervous as he placed the temp on her wrist to show her how it would look....


I can't believe I'm doing this! Harry holds my other hand as Peter begins the process. I squeeze Harry's hand as the pain drags a bit. We sat there for about an hour. "He's almost done love." Harry whispers on my temple. When Peter stops I take a look. "I...I love it."

I really loved my tattoo. It was...for me and it was personal. That quote was from my moms song. He looks at Harry. "What do you think mate?" Harry nods and kisses my cheek. "It's beautiful." I smile at Peter puts a bandage on it. "Okay Jennica, now for twenty four hours you have to keep this covered. Don't shower with any soaps that may contain..." I was told the rules of my first tattoo and saw Harry getting one. Why would he get a tattoo of a curly fry on his shoulder blade? 

They were on tv today and I was in the back just watching. Harry told me he wanted me to come.  

"So guys how's life been since the last time we saw you?"  

"Good actually we've all been doing more things. Like we released Our Moment. The new fragrance. We have another tour coming soon and yeah life is pretty great." Liam said with a satisfied smile. Sarah Porter (the host) gave a smile and asked the next question to Harry. "Now Harry there has been a buzz going around that you're no longer on the market is that true?" Harry smiles and I see his dimple.

"Actually that's correct. I am dating Jennica Springer." The audience awes. "That so cute. Now is it hard seeing that she's American and she lives in the U.S?" I listen closely. "It is at times. But she's here now and we've spent a lot of time together. Also she's understanding of my fans and I am of hers so when we aren't together we do text and call." I take a sip of my water and keep watching. "Alright now there are some more rumors. That you guys have done something new. Zayn is it true that you have been thinking about cutting your hair?" Zayn laughs.

"I did once and tweeted about it but the fans convinced me not to." She looks at Niall. "It's been rumored that you're dating a girl who lives back in your home town." He chuckles. "Nope I'm still single looking for my princess."

She then smirks at Harry. "And there is a report that you had gotten another tattoo. Come on that's got to be what the 29th one?" I nod agreeing with her. "I do. I got one on my shoulder blade. Do you want to see it?" Harry begins to take off his jacket while the audience whistles. "Whoa, hold on Harry keep it PG. haha. Just tell us what it is."  

"It's a tattoo of a curly fry." Louis's eyes go wide and he bursts out laughing. "Really? A Curly fry? Oh God!" Harry laughs and I'm standing there confused. Maybe it's an inside joke? 

As the interview went on I had got a call from Monica. "Jennica, you have a photo shoot. It just came up. I'll come and get you. Where are you?" I walk over so I can hear better. "I'm at the Sarah Porter show. Just call me when you're outside." We hang up and I walk back over to the screen to watch the rest of the interview. When the boys come out of their interview, I get a call from Monica. "I'll be right there."  

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