Chapter-3 ~Interviews...And A Twitcam

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I was in hair and makeup waiting for Monica. "Don't you look sexy." Sean-Paul said in his thick French accent. I turned to look I'm the mirror and my eyes went wide. I...I hate this look. This isn't me. I look like some Over sexed vixen.

My hair was pin straight. My make-up was heavily done. I wore studded black high heels. A high waisted pair of cheetah pants, with a black tank and cut off jean studded jacket. I miss my natural curly hair. I miss my big hoodies and skinny jeans. I miss me.. All I see is a scared little girl playing dress up.

"Oh dear let my cover those bags under your eyes." I have developed insomnia. The nightmares are coming back. My old memories that I tried to forget keep crawling to the surface. I can hear my mom screaming for him to not hit me again.... 

"Jennica, are you ready?" I snap out of it and smirk. "I was born ready." I step up and wait for my cue.  

"And now ladies and gentlemen this little lady here has been sweeping the music charts with her hit song from her first album, Little Dreamer. Please help me welcome, Jennica Springer." That's my cue. I walk out in my studded heels as if I own the place. The urge to flinch comes but I manage to get to my seat without making myself and the label look stupid. I hear the fans yell.

"Jennica, I love you!!!"

"Marry me!!!"

There was more but it was all muffled with fans screaming and crying. I wish I could comfort them...James gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Jennica, we are so happy to have you here in Connecticut." I smile. "I'm so happy to be here, James."  

"So Jennica lets get to the good stuff.." Uh-oh what new rumors have been cooked up about me now? "..It's been said that you went to an event last week and you were under the influence. Not only that you were rude to your fans. Now what do you have to say to that?" Lies!! All lies... "Those accusations are false. I did go to an event however I was perfectly fine and talked to as many fans as my team would allow."

James had a twinkle in his eyes, what other question was he cooking up to make me look bad? "There's a story going around that you have been dating a member from One Direction." Hmm this ones new to me. "I'm not. In fact I've never met them. They're always on tour and I'm on mine. Our paths never cross when I go over seas." Which sucks because that was the first thing I wanted to do when I got success. To meet Harry. But I guess that's not going to happen. "So are you planning on going on tour this year?" 

"Yes, but first I have to finish up on the album. This album is like really special to me because I am writing all of the songs. My first album was very much helped with and I feel that now I can show the fans the real me." We talk more about touring and even some goofy things about me. "So vodka on the rocks is not your favorite drink?" I sigh in my head but smile. "Nope I don't drink that kind of stuff. So excuse the rumors."

How did these rumors start in the first place? I'm a nice person..."Tell me Jennica how did a small town girl like you become a big hit over night?" I bite the corner of my lip. "I really don't know. But I'm glad I have a bed to sleep in." James Parker laughs. "Oh Jennica you're too much. Now is it true that America has dubbed you America's sweet heart?" I hated when they asked this question. I put on my best cool chic facade and look over at the camera. "I'm not America's sweet heart. Because my heart just ain't sweet, America!!!" He laughs and they play the snippet of my new song Hello Delilah... 

I didn't sign up to be the bad ass artist. I did this to do songs and to him....


Harry was sleep in his bed and I was bored. "Wake up Harry I want to go out and have some fun." He groans and turn over. "Leave me alone boobear." He said in his sleepy voice. I roll my eyes and grab my laptop off of the desk of the hotel room. Since the rest of the lads were sleeping in the other hotel rooms I decided to watch the James Parker show. We went on his show once and it was a smash. Tonight's artist was Jennica Springer.

Some of her songs were pretty good. But Harry didn't think so. Just about everywhere we go there's is some new crazy rumor and story about her. When Harry read that she was a smoker and would often throw around a few curse words. He just threw the magazine down. "I don't like her. She's a bad influence and she's everything I don't like." Once you're on Harry's bad side that's it. Well except me.

I watch the interview and feel a hand on my shoulder. "What are you watching?" Harry said over my shoulder. "The James Parker show. Your favorite girl is on tonight." I tease hearing Hazza groan. "Don't ever say that again. Jennica Springer has got to be the most rudest person in the world."

I was going to come back with a sassy comment until I heard her song, Hello Delilah. I...I liked it. Harry was silent for a moment. "I guess that song is okay." He leave me and goes back to bed. I go on twitter and look her up. I just typed Jennica and a few fakes pop up. Then I see her official twitter account.  

[@Jennica_LittleDreamer: Hey Little dreamers I can't sleep so I decided to do a twitcam. Here's my link.]  Hmm? Maybe watching her do something rude might be funny. I log into my fake account and go to her twitcam link.  

The video pops up and she has her hair in a mess of curls. She reminds me of Harry in a way. She looks sleepy too. She's wearing a big hoodie and some shorts too....

"Ask me some questions guys. And yes I am now I'm New York. Can't say where though. But I'll give you guys a hint. I'm near a square and garden." She says with a wink. I like her. She's...funny with her fans. She starts reading out questions.

"Hey Jennica how many One Direction posters do you own now? I'm glad you asked Brandy from Michigan. I now have about fifty on my wall at home. I would have more but I'm always on the go and I can never get a chance to buy their magazines. But when I do find the time I try to stock up. So I'm sure I'll get more soon."

She's a fan?

"Jennica, have you ever thought about acting? Not really, LittlexxDreamergirl only because I think I would forget my lines and I'm not really good with people." I type in a question hoping she reads it. "Wow a lot of questions are coming. Haha lets see if I can read them. Hmmm. Stripes from the U.K just asked if I have a crush on any member from One Direction? Well, you guys all know that the guy I have a crush on someone who's in the music industry like I am. And that I think he's beautiful. So I guess I can admit that yes he's in One Direction. But you guys have 5 boys to guess from. So good luck."

She blushes am moves her curly hair out of her face. "Do you read fanficton about yourself? Well Lizzie from Ohio, yes I do when I'm bored on the road. Some of the fan fics are pretty good. Some are kind of mean. And just FYI I am not a mean person."

I type another question. "Hmm Stripes from U.K you must really want to ship me with the BoysOf One Direction. Okay to answer your question yes I would defiantly date one of them if their fans didn't try to threaten my life first."

She throws her head back and laughs. I type another question but too many questions started to pop up so I know mine was passed. "Well guys I have to get to bed. I have to do some more promoting tomorrow. Be sure to buy Hold On Tight it will be out around my birthday. Which is August 25th. Night Little Dreamers. Sweet dreams..." The twitcam disconnected and I had came to a conclusion. Jennica was a good person even if Harry didn't think so...



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