Chapter-5 ~Louis & I Are Quite The Pair...

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It's been a week and I have been on twitter nonstop telling all of my fans about the upcoming meeting I'm going to have with the boys. Since they were on break from tour, my record company had decided to fly me off to England. I was excited. I wrote on twitter.

[@Jennica_LittleDreamer: Hey guys just landed in England. I'm kind of craving fish and chips :p] 

I look at Monica and tap my foot. "What's wrong Jennica?" She knows me too well. "I'm just nervous. What if the boys don't like me? What if they are mean?" Monica holds my hand. "Jennica what's not to like about you. Your a smart, funny, and a beautiful girl. I'm sure the boys are nice and they will just adore you." I still feel nervous. "But what if-" 

"No buts just keep calm and remember what doctor Harper said about you worrying so much." I roll my eyes and smile. I eat my gummy bears as the plane lands. I look back at my phone while we wait to get off and I almost choked on my snack.  

[@Louis_Tomlinson: Can't wait to meet @Jennica_LittleDreamer today.] 

Louis mentioned me! I look again and see Liam's tweet. 

[@Real_Liam_Payne: Meeting @Jennica_LittleDreamer today with the lads. Can't wait!] 

OMG! I was dancing in my seat making Monica give me a strange look. "Look. 2/5 of One Direction mentioned me." I show her and she smiles at me. "See the boys are excited to meet you." I blush and put my phone in my pocket.  

When I finally got off the plane I was rushed by fans. Whoa I didn't think I'd be this popular here. My bodyguard, Steven, brings me and Monica through the crowd. I felt a tug on my jacket and when I turn around I saw a little girl. "Jennica can you sigh my CD?" I smile at her. "Sure." I go to take the CD to sign it but the little girl gets moved back. "Please stand back little girl." I glare at Steven. "I want to sign her CD." I side step him and take out a marker. "What's your name?" I ask the little girl. "My name is Maggie." 

"Maggie? That's a pretty name. Lets see. To Maggie my biggest little dreamer. xoxo love J.S" I hand the little girl the CD and her eyes go wide. "Thank you!" She runs off and I smile. "Jennica we are on a tight schedule. Come." I jog up to Monica and wave to more of the fans.


The lads and I were in our studio waiting for Jennica to Arrive. Paul told us we had to be on our best behavior around her because she gets nervous around people. "Zayn, what do you think she's like in person?" I ask as I toss up on orange. "Honestly I think she's going to be a diva. Did you hear the latest story? It says she always come late and that she's rude." I didn't believe those things. I have been watching her twitcams and just can't picture her being the diva type. I went on twitter and saw she had mentioned me. 

[@Jennica_LittleDreamer: Can't wait to meet you too @Louis_Tomlinson :) ]

I hear a knock on the door and I run over and open the door. A woman with blonde hair and a warm smile was there. "Hello Louis. I'm Monica, Jennica's personal assistant. Jennica is in the car but before I introduce you all to her I want to give you guys a few little things about her. For one she doesn't like to be crowded by to many people. If I'm there then it's fine. Also she has a little habit of flinching when ever someone comes up to her. I know it's strange but with her upbringing, these were the effects of it all." I nod. Feeling more curious about Jennica. "I'll be sure to tell the lads." 

"Good I'm going to bring her in."



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