Chapter-25 ~ I Told You She Wasn't British!!!

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"Harry I'm so sorry." I stood behind him in the bathroom and watched him clean the scratches on his back. "Jennica, it's okay. In fact it's kind of hot." He smirks but winces as he cleans the scratches on his shoulder blade. "No, I shouldn't have scratched you like that. I feel terrible." I go over and kiss his shoulder blade. "Don't be love." He turns around kisses my lips. I still feel bad....

After I showered at Harry's place and got dressed he brings me back to my hotel. "I love you." He says on my lips as he kisses me. "I love you too." I whisper back and give him a peck on the lips. I walk into the room and see Lillie watching tv.

"Hey Jennyben- oh shit you had sex didn't you?" I avoid her stare. "Jennica!" I look at her and she smirks. "Don't lie. You little vixen you. You little fox. So tell me what happened?" I shake my head and plop on my bed. "Lets just say that we had some catching up to do." Lillie squeals.

"Tell me please!" I shake my head. This is one thing I'm going to keep to myself. "Lets do a twitcam." Lillie glares at me. "You didn't tell me all the crazy hot sex but you want to do a twitcam? Fuck no." I scoot over and poke her in the ribs. "Okay if this is enough. I did leave scratches on his back." Lillie's eyes go wide. "Oh that's kinky and hot. Lets do the damn twitcam!!!"


"Hey guys this is Lilly and Lillie!" Lillie makes funny faces at the camera and I start doing funny noises. "Alright little dreamers! Lets start off with some hot questions." Lillie says as she starts to read the screen. I find one question and read it out loud. "This question is from HazzaxxJennybennylover, haha that's cute. They asked have you ever read the fanfic Dark?"

I see Lillie smirking next to me. "I've never actually read it but I heard its a fan fiction about Harry. I kind of want to read it though. Lillie have you read it?" Lillie starts cracking up. "Hell yeah, I'm almost finished. It has some really good parts and then the mature scenes... Hell just come read it." She pulls up her tumblr page and points to one chapter.

"Lillie that's not chapter one." She wiggles her brows. "No, it's the part where Harry tells Bo to touch herself." I gasp. "You want me to read a chapter where my boyfriend is telling another woman to touch herself?" I was a little angry with that. "It's just a damn fan fiction woman. You're the only one knocking boots with H-" I throw a pillow at her face and begin to read the chapter.  

My eyes widen and my jaw drops. Lillie looks at me and laughs. "What do you think?" I look at her and shake my head. "I think I need to read this book at the beginning...and reread that chapter again." Lillie closes her tumblr and smirks. "You little hussy." I glare at her playfully and jab her in the rib. "Ow! You jerk!" 

"I know." We both laugh and continue the twitcam...


"What do you mean I can't get my Fucking fix Ricki! I want my shit now or so fucking help me I will find you and get Pauly to gut you like a fucking fish." Ricki was calling me telling that he couldn't make a delivery because of some trouble he got into when he was looking for his ex girlfriend. "So this little bitch comes up to me with a bat as starts wailing on me. I swear the next time I see Jennica I'm going to end that little bitch." Wait did he just say Jennica? "Jennica Springer?" 

"Yeah that's her. The little shit." I smirk. "How about I send for you to be my body guard. I'm sure you're bound to see Jennica and you can take your sweet time getting revenge. I'll even cover for you so you don't get in trouble." I hear Ricki laugh. "Are you serious?" I nod. "Yup. As a heart attack. I don't like her and you want to get revenge. I got your back...but make sure you have my shit or your ass is going to get pumped by a guy name pinkie."

Hello Delilah... ~A Harry Styles Fan-Fic~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora