Chapter-10 ~This Can't Be Happening...

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I woke up feeling breathing on my neck. I look down and see Jennica sleeping peacefully. How can everyday I see her she gets more beautiful? Her lips looked tempting. I go on for the kill. "RISE AND SHINE!!" I roll off the bunk and see Jennica wake up. Louis comes on smiling. "Did I interrupt the honeymoon?" I look over at Jennica and see her stretching. I see it again. That scar.

I need to ask her about that later. "Mm..Gmorning." She gets off the bunk and heads to the bathroom. "So are you two finally dating?" Louis asked at he helped me up. "No, I..I don't want to mess things up with her. And not only that so far the fans seem all fine but what will happen when we do become boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't want her to get those hate tweets and threatening words on her twit cam. Louis I never want to see her cry."

Louis pats my shoulder. "Well mate. We all go through it. I see how you and Jennica are together and I like her. She's fun. She even makes you laugh. She can out eat Niall on a good day. She's always asking Zayn to teach her how to draw and Liam acts goofy with her but most of all she's perfect for you." I know what he means. I'll ask her out today. But I'm nervous....


We all had interviews today and I was getting my hair and make up done. "Okay Jennica today I feel like your hair should still be curly but have it pinned up on the sides." Lou says as she looks me in the eyes in the mirror. "Do your magic. I don't mind just as long as I still look like myself." She washed and blew dried my hair then started to pin up the sides like a Mohawk.

"Your hair is way curlier than Harry's haha. So your mom was Delilah Wilson?" I nod thinking about her. I don't like that I have her small features like my chin and skin color. I liked my dads features best. "Her song black lipstick was my favorite. Oh man I'm showing my age huh?" I chuckle. "It's cool. I heard it before. I guess I sound like my mom." 

"You do, you have her rocky tone and soulful voice." She stands back and grabs some make up. "Now your eyes and skin tone is just beautiful and I'm not going to touch that but I think a little bit of red lipstick will really make this look a smash."

When she's done I look at myself and smile. "Lou! I love it!" I give her a hug and she laughs. I take off looking for Harry and I find him sleeping near the shampoo sink. Oh I can't let this pass. I snap the photo on my phone and post it on twitter. 

[@Jennica_LittleDreamer: awe look at this cheeky chap. Caught you!! @Harry_Styles ;) ] 

I walk off and find Zayn and Niall. "Whoa..." Zayn says to me. I blush. "How do I look fellas?" I spin around showing off my checkerboard red and black jeans. Matching suspenders and black shirt that says "hey I heard your a player. Well nice to meet you...I'm the couch." I wore some classic black and white converse sneakers as well.

"I have to say. Harry better watch out. Because someone might snatch you up." Niall says. I giggle and look at Zayn's shades. "Can I borrow those?" He nods and I slide my shades on. "Selfies!!" I hold up my phone and point it at us. Zayn and Niall both kiss my cheek and I do a surprise face. "Perrie is so going to kick your ass. And I'm gonna laugh so hard." I chuckle at them and head out to where I'm doing my interview.

Patricia Mathers was the host. She greets me and I slide the shades off. "Jennica it's so nice to have you here in Italy. My daughter has just about all your posters on the wall. It's insane." I laugh. "Well I'm glad she's a fan." 

"You have a lot of fans here Jennica. But lets talk about this tour. Your touring with the British/Irish sensation called One Direction. How does that feel?" 

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