Chapter 6

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I woke up at 7:34 with my head in Justin's chest, with his arm around my waist. I tried tiger up but I he jumped, "good morning babe."

"Good morning. Nice morning hair!" I said

With a little laugh "thanks"

I started to get up but he started to tackle me. I could not stop laughing till scooter came in

"Time to.... Oh sorry didn't think u had guest justin."

"I told you that megan was going to L.A with me."

"Oh yea sorry forgot but we r leaving in 1 hour be ready!"


Me and Justin got up and went to get ready. "Justin my cloths are in my car!"

"Just wear one of my hoodies, I mean every time I see you your in a hoodie!"


I got my shorts and Justin's hoodie out. He came out of the bath room and got dressed.

"Can I get in the shower now?"

"Yea go ahead"

I got in the shower washed my body and my hair got out and dried my hair a little and pulled it up in a messy bun. Walked out of the bathroom and went to my purse and got some makeup out, tooth brush and the rest of the things I would need to get ready. I finished getting ready and went and sat beside justin. He put his arm around me and I put my head on his chest. We have only been dating for a day and it feels like we have been for years.

"Let's hit the road" scooter yelled

Me and Justin got up and he grabbed his bags and ran out the door. I followed behind him.

"Your car is on the way to L.A. Your riding the plane with me!"

We headed to the air port bought our tickets ,and got on the plane and was in L.A in no time. Justin tour bus was at the air port waiting for us. They left early that morning. We got on and headed to Justin's house. We pulled into his house and went in. "Your car should be here sometime tonight" Justin told me "than u can get ur stuff and unpack!"


We sat down on the couch.

"Your birthday is next Friday."


"What do u want?" Justin asked me.

"I got everything I want"

"And what is that?"


"Well than I will just surprise you than!"


Justin and I watched tv and I drafted off to sleep.

"Hey honey wake up, your car is here."

I got up and he had already had my bags inside.

"Come in here I will show you where you can put your stuff."

It was a whole room just for cloths and shoes.

"I saw how many cloths u had and a little closet was not going to work so here is this room it was made just to hang up cloths. I got my own its across the hall."

"Ok thanks"

It was 8:30PM and I had to unpack all my stuff.

3 hours later

I felt someone arms around my waist. I turned around and Justin kissed me. "How about we go to bed you can finish tomorrow" I got my pjs and went and changed.

"Justin!" I yelled.

"Yea babe?"

"I have no clue where to go!"

"Where you at?" He yelled back

"My closet"

Before I knew it he was coming around the corner with boxers on!

"Sorry I left you."

"It's ok"

He walked me to his room, well I guess now mine and his room. We both climbed in bed, he kissed me and put his arm around me I curled up beside him with my head on his chest.

"I love you" he mumbled

"I love you too" I mumbled

I heard his snores, and closed my eyes and fell off to sleep.

AN; every ending is I was going to sleep. Wow I really like this story! Haha tell me what u think!!!! I have wrote al day! Last chapter of the day more tomorrow! Thanks for reading please please tell me what u think

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