Chapter 27

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I woke up. Taylor was already awake sitting up in her bed. I went over and grabbed her.

"Go get daddy." She walked over to the other side of the be where Justin was. She slapped his arm. Justin jumped. He looked over "hello beautiful" Taylor had a big smile on her face. He leaned up an grabbed her. "Who's one today?"

She just smiled at Justin. "Where's gabe?" Justin asked me

"Still asleep."

"Oh" Justin put Taylor down she walked over to me. I picked her up and put her in my lap.

"My dad is having a party for them today.'' Justin said

"Oh did you tell him about the party this weekend?"

"Oh yea their going to fly down Friday."

"When are we leaving?"



"Hey look gabe is getting up.'' Justin said getting out of bed. He walked over and grabbed gabe. He put him on the bed with Taylor and kissed me. Jazzy came running in the bedroom. She jumped on the bed. Just as Justin started tackling her. "Ok jazzy me and megan got to get ready than we will be down ok."

"Ok" jazzy said while running out if the room. Justin went over and locked the door. He came over an got gabe. Justin was so cute with gabe. I got up and got him some cloths, along with Taylor some cloths. We both got them ready and put them in the floor while me and Justin went and got ready. When ever we were done Justin got gabe and I got Taylor. We walked into the living room. Jazzy and jaxon was playing in the floor, and Jeremy was blowing balloons up. Justin sat gab down and I sat Taylor down in the floor with jazzy and jaxon. We went over and helped Jeremy blow up balloons.

Later that night

Jeremy had a cake for each one of them. Taylor's cake had flowers on it. And gabes cake had a truck on it.

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear gabe and Taylor happy birthday to you." Gabe and Taylor had already been in their cake before the song was over. They had cake all over the place. It was just a small party since they were coming to the party this weekend.


Weekend party

I woke up Saturday morning. Justin was going to take the kids out, while I got the party ready. Justin had alot of people coming. I had my sister and her family. Couple of my friends, and couple more family members. I woke the kids up and got them ready. I heard a knock at the door. I put Taylor back in her bed. I ran for the door. I unlocked it and opened it.

"Hey Justin up?" Ryan said


"Oh well I was going with him to take the kids out."

"Oh ok. I'll go wake him up."

"Oh don't worry I got this."

"Ok well I was getting the kids ready."

Ryan walked back to our room. I walked into the kids room. I heard Ryan yell "yo bro get your damn ass up."

I ran out of the room, went to Justin's room. "Did I just hear a cuss word." Everyone knew that there was no cussing while the kids were in the house.

"Umm no." Ryan said

"Yea right. Justin baby get up" I said walking over.

"I'm up honey" Justin said with his raspy voice.

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