Chapter 38

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A boy"

I looked over at Justin. He had the biggest smile on his face. He looked down at me, smiled. The doctor handed me a towel, I got the gel off my stomach. I pulled my shirt down, got up and wrapped my arms around Justin. He kissed me and we walked back to the car. Justin opened my door, I got in as he closed it behind me. He got in the car. We drove off. We got back to the house. We walked in. Taylor ran over to Justin. He picked her up and spun her around. Gabe was playing with his cars. I walked over and sat down. Gabe walked over to me.

"I tired"

"We'll let's go to bed."

Me and gabe walked back to his room. I put him in bed an walked back to the living room.

"You wanna take a nap taylor?"


She walked back to her room. She climbed up in bed, I tucked her in and kissed her. I walked down stairs where Justin was. He was sitting in his chair. I walked over and sat in his lap.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh well you know how you said you wanted our wedding at the beach?"


"We'll in the doctors office I got some info and well here."

I looked at everything. It was perfect. Than I looked at the price. 35,345

"Justin it's way to high for a wedding no"

"But it's perfect! Megan money doesn't mean anything. As long as were happy, money is just another thing.''

"Justin were going to have three kids."

"I know. Baby I'm buying not you so I say we do it there,"

"Ok what ever mister big shot."

"I love you" Justin said moving my hair out of my face, to kiss me.

"I love you too."

Justin was going spending to much money on this wedding. I knew he wasn't going to change his mind so I didn't say anything.

Justin called his mom, pattie was going to get everything done for us. I sat down on the couch. I thought about the babies name. Justin, or drew. I wanted this one to be named after Justin some how. Justin slid beside me.

"What u doing?"


"You sure?"


Justin's phone rang. He got off,

"I got to go, I'll be home later."


Justin kissed me and ran up the stairs. I went upstairs and ate some supper. The kids were still sleeping. It was 9:30 maybe they would sleep all night. I went and took a shower. I got out Justin was in bed. I climbed up next to him. I snuggled next to him and fell asleep.

AN: it's amber hereeee. Hah well I'm writing the last chapters. I've already wrote the first chapters of the second book. It's going I be amazing! Ill tell you the title on chapter 40. That's the last chapter of this book. It's amazing. This chapter I really short I think the rest of the will be. Yea I know bitch here. Well I just want to get this over so y'all can read the second book. But guys I hope you like it. Megan and me both have put alot of thought in this book. And in the other book, also in her book. "I fell for him (a Justin Bieber love story)" that book is so cute, so if you haven't read it or not reading it you best read it. It's amazing! Guys this is a really Long AN but I had to let y'all know about this. Also

Should the name me Justin or drew? Comment and tell me.

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