Chapter 34

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Gabe woke me up. I got up and went and washed my face off. I had been crying all night long. I went and picked up gabe. It was 9:45 Taylor was still asleep. I looked over at my phone. No call. I called Ryan.


"Are you at the house?"


"Is Justin awake?"





Taylor woke up I got them dressed and we went and ate. We went back to the room. Taylor and gabe played. It was 4:56 that afternoon. Justin called.


"Where are your?"

"At a hotel"


"If you plan you getting drunk every night I'm done"

"What do you mean?"

"Justin last night you were drunk as hell. You had a party last night. After you came in from the concert you wanna to have sex I said no and you got pissed"

"And why did you leave?"

"After you came in last night, you came in the room, basically crawling. You came in the room and asked me "who the fuck are you?" I said "what?" You told me to get out. So I went an got the kids and left."

"Baby I was drunk like you said. I'm sorry. Please come home."

"I'm coming over but we have to talk."

"K" we hung up I got the kids and walked out. I put the kids in the car and drove to the house. I pulled in and Justin ran out. He wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I'm sorry!"

"Move get the kids out of the car."


He got gabe and we walked in.

"I'll take the kids out side to play." Ryan said grabbing Taylor's hand and picking up gabe.

"I'm sorry." Justin said

"Your not getting the point"


"Justin what if you came in last night and hurt me or anything?"

"I wouldn't do that"

"Justin you were drunk you would have done anything"

"Baby I'm sorry"



"I think we-" I stopped started crying "just need a break for a little,"

"No." He had tears come in his eyes "no I won't let that happen. I can't lose you or the kids." The door opened Selena walked in.

"Leave" Justin said



She walked out.

"Why is she here?"

"Because I told her last night that all of us were going to go out. We were going to take the kids out. Me you Ryan and her."

"Oh ok"

"But any way baby I don't want to loose you. We have the perfect family. I love you"

"Justin honey I love you too. But I don't know. You upset me last night."

'' baby I know I'm sorry. Please I promise I won't drink any more till you can be with me"

"Justin I don't know"

"Ok do you want to go out to eat?"


We walked out I picked up Taylor and Justin got gabe. Ryan followed us out.

"Everything ok?" He asked me

"I don't know I'm really up set so I'm probably going to stay at the hotel for a little"

"Oh ok"

We got in the car. We drove to Olive Garden. We went in and sat down. We ordered ate and left. We went home Ryan left. We went in.

"Do you want me to take the kids or do you want to keep them tonight?" I asked Justin

"What do you mean?"

"I'm staying at the hotel tonight. I will come home tomorrow. I just need to think."

"Baby please don't leave"

"Justin I don't really want too. But I just need to think."

"I will keep the kids tonight. But please come back in the morning. I'm really sorry. I've done something very wrong"

"Ok bye" I went over kissed the kids goodbye. I walked out crying. I got in the car and backed out. Went to the hotel and went up the room and cried. I loved Justin very much. I could never leave him! I lovers him. But after what happen last night I don't know. I couldn't sleep, I wanted to go home. I wanted Justin.

It was 3:46 Justin was asleep. But I called him

"Hello" he answered he sounded like he had been awake

"Are you up?"

"Yes I can't sleep"

"Justin I can't either, I want to home,"

"Than come. Please"

I hung up got my stuff ready and walked out. I went and checked out. I got in my car and drove to the house. I pulled up Justin ran out. I hugged him.

"I'm sorry Justin."

"Your not the one that should be sorry I am."

I went over and sat in Justin's lap. He kissed me, "I'm sorry"

"It's ok I over reacted"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Let's go cuddle!"

I jumped up, ran to the room and hid under the covers, Justin came in and got under the cover. His body pressed against mine, his body heat made me fall to sleep,

AN: well I might write more. Bc we are going to be in the car for 8 hours! So I might! I don't know yet. Please tell me what you think please

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