Chapter 24

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The babies are coming home

I woke up knowing that it was the day I got to see Taylor and Gabe. I have not saw them in 3 weeks. It felt like years. I missed them. I got up and of course Justin didn't wake up. I jumped over on top of him. He woke up and said "what?"

"The babies are coming home today!"

"Oh yea" he rolled over and now he was on top of me. "I love you"

"I love you too.''

"I see your ready to see them.'

"Yes I'm ready for them to be home."

"Ok let's get ready they should be here around 12 or 1."

We jumped up and took showers. I got out curled my hair and got ready. I walked into the living room and found Justin in his phone. I went and sat down beside him.

"What ya doing?"

"On twitter!"

"O yea I might want to get on there.''

I grabbed my phone and got on twitter I put my feet in Justin's lap and he put his feet on the coffee table. He sat on the couch with no shirt on. I got on his twitter account and saw that he was replaying to beliebers. I got on some of the beliebers that he was replaying too and all their tweets were like "OMB did that just happen?''

I loved looking at their tweets after Justin tweeted them. I got on my timeline and started replaying too.

"Megan I love you. You and Justin make a great family. You should really follow me and tell Justin to follow me too I love you!" I tweeted her back "I love you too. And your followed sweetie. I will tell Justin"

I looked over at Justin "follow -----------"

He said ok. She started tweeting me "OMG thank you so much." I heard someone pull up. I jumped up "there here!"

I jumped up and ran out the door Justin did the same. I ran and got Taylor I grabbed her out of her car seat. I kissed her. I grabbed her car seat and saw Justin carrying Gabe in. I walked in and sat down on the couch.

"You've got so big!" I told Taylor in a baby voice. "Where's gabe?" I asked Justin

''He was asleep"

"Oh ok"

"Let me see her!" Justin said

I handed Taylor to Justin and got up. I walked over to pattie and said "thank you."

She pulls out her phone and was showing me pictures of Jeramy holding gabe and than jazzy and jaxon holding gabe. Than Jeramy holding Taylor and jazzy and jaxon holding taylor.

"Their so cute"

Justin said "let me see!"

Justin was looking at the pictures "I miss them so much. I haven't saw them in forever."

"We'll they miss you!" Pattie said

"We will have to fly and go see them some time."

I heard gabe crying "i....." I was cut off by Justin

"Nope I got him"

Justin stood Taylor up and she held on to the coffee table and I walked over too her. I grabbed her hands and tried to make her walk. She just sat down in the floor. I sat here down and brought her toys over too her. I went over and sat down beside Justin and gabe. He had the biggest smile on his face.

"That's so cute!" Justin said

"Ok ok let me have him."

Justin handed me gabe. I held him for ever it seemed like. Pattie had said "how about I go get supper and come back and cook y'all can spend time with the kids."

"Sure" Justin said

I went and sat down beside Justin and Taylor in the floor. Pattie grabbed her purse Justin stopped her "wait" he said he jumped up and got his Wallet out of his pocket. "Here"

"I don't need that Justin." Pattie said walking out the door.

"I knew she wasn't going to take the money."

He sat back down in the floor.

"So when will you want to go visit my dad brother and sister?'

"I don't care Justin."

"We will go sometime."

We played with the kids for a while. Pattie had came back and fixes supper. She yelled "food is done"

We picked up the kids and went and sat them in their high chair. We fixed them a little plate and us a plate. We sat down and ate. When we were done pattie washed the dishes. Justin and I went and gave the kids a bath. We came back and pattie said "we'll I'm gonna go home" she came over kissed the kids good bye and hugged us goodbye.

"Thank you!" I said

"Your welcome honey any time you need me call."

We sat down on the couch and the kids were in the floor. Justin was planning to go see his dad. I was watching the kids. I looked up and back down. I saw Taylor standing up by her self. Without holding on to something.

"Justin look!" I said


"Look at Taylor."

We both watched her. I pulled up my video camera on my phone. Soon she took her first step. I had it recorded on my phone I sent the video to everyone. I uploaded it to twitter and everywhere. Later that night Justin told me we would leave Friday to go visit his dad. I put the kids to bed and went to bed our self.

AN; guys I really like this chapter tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!

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