Chapter 4 the day after!

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9:03 I didn't get any sleep last night! I was till 5:00 texting Justin. Wow! I got up and went into the kitchen fixed me a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table and ate!

When I was done I got up clean the dishes and went back to my bedroom now 9:46. I picked me out some shorts and a tank-top and got a hoodie. Went to the bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun and put a little makeup on. And sidebar most girls do! Put on my DO, bushed my teeth, and put some of my girlfriend perfume on. I was having lunch with my older sister at 12:30. This was the first time I had talked to her in forever! It was 10:58 when I was getting ready to walk out the door. I was going to run by the mall.

"Hey megan can mew meet at 12:00 instead of 12:30?"

"Yea sure"

Now I could not go to the mall. I drove to Olive Garden. Which was about 1 hour and 1/2 away from where lived. It was 11:50 when I got there. I walked in and saw my sister dressed the same as me hoodie and a messy bun.

"Hey" she said to me while getting up out of her seat going to hung me.

"So how u been?" I asked

"Good you?"

"Really good I went to Justin's concert last night.." And she cut me off

"Justin who?"

"Justin Bieber"

"Oh ok"

"And ur not going to believe what happen!"

"What happen?"

"I was the OLLG"

"What's that"

"It's the one.." I was cut off by the waiter.

"Hello my I start y'all with some drinks?"

"Yes I would like a sweet tea." I answered

"and I would like water." My sister answered.

"And u were saying."

"Oh it's the one less lonely girl."

'Oh ok"

The waiter brought our drinks back and asked was we ready to order. I order the soup and salad and so did my sister.

"So megan can I tell you something?'

'Ummmm sure!"

"We'll I'm going to have a baby boy!"

"What? How long are you?"

"20 weeks!"


The waiter brought our food and we ate.

We left told my sister congrats. I paid and she left the tip.

He's mine (a justin bieber love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin